
  • 9 replies
  • 151 subscribers

Hi guys

Anyone had any experience with Cyproterone, 50mg? My husband is on Prostap injections 12 weekly and is due his second injection next week.  He has felt fatigue but has worked through it but the hot flushes and sweats have been pretty severe, he is awakened almost hourly with them and gets them throughout the day at work.  We have tried sage capsules, he had a tower fan, a neck fan and a cold pack you can lie on, if needed, in bed ( I actually bought it for our cocker spaniels lol) but we pinched it for him to try.  I rang the CNS and said they were really disturbing his sleep so he has left a prescription for the Cyproterone, which he said they use for severe flushes. So far he has only taken two but if anything the hot flushes are worse! The leaflet says this medication  is for the treatment of PCa and does mention a side effect is hot flushes, although other sites online does say it’s used to treat the hot flushes.  All very confusing.  We are seeing Oncologist on 24th so will ask then but was wondering if anyone else had experience of it.



  • Hi Linda

    Sorry to hear that. I started off on the cheap sage tablets and the flushes reduced but didn't go altogether. I am now 18 months down the HT journey and  "upgraded" to Holland and Barrett's (other herbalists are available!) "Menoforce" sage tablets. They are expensive but I haven't had a proper hot flush for probably 9 months!

    I hope you find a solution - it's not nice!

    Best wishes


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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Linda, 

                      I was also on Prostap 3 monthly and hot flushes were severe. I was offered 10 weeks of accupuncture at our hospital holistic dept. Apparently it has a good sucess rate (5 needles in each ear for 40 minutes one session a week.) Unfortunately it did not work for me. Oncologist suggested Cyproterone 50 mgm and after a couple of weeks on the drug the hot flushes lessened and then subsided. It certainly worked for me. Hope your husband gets some relief as they are debilitating.

    Best wishes, Graham. 


    Hi Linda,

    Please read the Patient Information Leaflet for Cyproterone carefully. You'll see that it can affect the HbA1C blood sugar levels. Yes, it's certainly effective at combating hot flushes but can have the unexpected side effect of pushing you into Type 2 Diabetes. Many medical professionals aren't aware of this.

    It's a good idea to cut out both alcohol and caffeine as well as sugary snacks and drinks when on HT.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Thanks Brian, yes that’s the ones we tried, from Holland Barrett and altho helped initially he was still awakened several times a night. But fingers crossed, the new medication now seems to be helping.



  • Thank you Graham

    Yes they seem to have started working now, the flushes were really getting him down with very disturbed sleep. Hopefully they will continue to help. Last night was the best sleep he’s had in weeks! 



  • Hi Seamus,

    Unfortunately, he is already type 2 diabetic.  Ironically it was when he was getting a diabetic blood test they decided to check his PSA and it was very high.  He has lost two stone in weight by being great with his diet and is on Metformin for diabetes and due to see the Diabetic Nurse on 21st so will mention it then and also then seeing Oncologist on 24th.  I have to say Seamus reading the leaflet was actually quite scary, lol made me almost flush them all away!  I shall see what the medics say but it’s like a juggling act, every time you find something that works there always seems to be a side effect, such is life!  I’ll let you know what they say about it.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Morning Linda, pleased to read your husband is getting some relief from the hot flushes.

    Regards, Graham. 

  • Morning Linda and BoroG

    BoroG - Your football team needs to pull it's finger out - played 2 lost 2! - Shabby!

    Sorry about that Linda - men and football!!

    My Hba1c (diabetic blood sugar count) which has been controlled by Metformin for the past 12 years decided to double and we couldn't understand why. I started to read the patient information leaflet (I am on Decapytol for Hormone treatment) and two of the side effects are:

    *Will play havoc with your Hba1c count - good luck with that one!

    * You need to watch your weight or buy bigger trousers round the waist.

    Not the exact wording but both side effects caught me out. My diabetic nurse and GP had to be convinced it was the HT doing it and it's settled down with a change in medication.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Linda 

    I was getting a few hot flushes especially at night,  tried acupuncture didn't work at all, then prescribed cyproterone which did work but found out that it can cause type 2 diabetes, so now I take half a tablet with 2 sage tablets daily which has practically stopped my hot flushes. I buy sage leaf tablets from Amazon from a firm called Natural Foundation Supplements