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I think I have just realised that tomorrow is possibly the last day my husband feels well because on Tuesday he starts his 28 day course of hormone tablets bicalutamide. I didn't realise that it is likely to be such a long journey. I thought if he has to have radiotherapy then once that has been done that would be it but having read all your posts it looks like this is forever. I don't mind if it gets him better but the side effects worry me. Am I right to think and feel this way. Suddenly I am having an emotional day but trying not to show it. Sorry for being a pain

  • Hi Shar,

    No everyone suffers  in a big way from having the HT, hopefully your OH will be one of the lucky ones, time range can be anything from a few months to 3 years .

    also depends on the severity of the cancer as to how long he might be on them , if you give some stats it could help us to give u an idea.

    Have they said how long he would be on the HT?

    Best wishes


  • It all depends on pet scan on Tuesday. They said gleeson 4+5 and something about tb3 n1 mo. They mentioned radiotherapy and chemotherapy 

  • Ok, so it has moved outside the gland so I would imagine some time on HT but as have said  everyone reacts differently so fingers crossed. think they would try the HT and RT first, hopefully that will sort it.

    Good luck


  • Thank you for your help 

  • Hi Shar

    You aren't being a pain - it's a worrying time for you both.

    Everything about PC seems to take forever. Weeks between diagnosis and completion of all the tests and scans. Then Bicalutamide for a few weeks followed by HT ( in my case 2 years - it varies) and then a few weeks of RT. 

    The RT is a doddle but, for me, the HT was less so, but I got used to the side effects I suffered from and, hopefully, it will be the same for your OH.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi shar. HT affects folks differently and your OH may find it’s tolerable. My OH started this as a fit & well 63yr old with organ confined but possible spine mets hence the chemo. So far he’s doing ok. Everyone is different and it may be not as bad as you think it could be, we are all here for you and there is also the PCUK site as well as some Facebook groups ( but keep to the uk ones). These places are full of kind folks willing to share. You’re not on your own lovely. Take care x

  • Hi Shar

    You are not a pain - you are just asking questions at a difficult time.

    HT/RT is given with a view in most cases to being curative - but it takes time. In my case it's 3 years, - but I had a few issues. The HT starts and works very quickly to stop the cancer cells growing - the time scale is 3  - 6 months. RT comes next - given over a period of every day for say 20 days - this kills off the cancer cells. You remain on HT for a further period - in my case 2 years to ensure all is well.

    That's it in a nutshell - we all have a different journey with this cancer and depending where you live the treatment may be quicker or longer.

    The side effects are also different for us all - for me -hot sweats (sorted by sage tablets) itchy skin - the odd mood swing, I can cry for England and fatigue. Erectile issues too but - 18 months down the line I feel great.

    With the support of my wife, adult children and the community on here I have won and the cancer has come second - yes it's been hard and very emotional but I now feel amazing, and I still have 18 months left on HT!!

    Your husband will need your support -we men are wimps - we don't show it but we are - just be there for him and if you need us we are here for you - ask anything you want you are a valued member of our community

    Best wishes


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  • Ask anything, lots on here can answer!!!

    I did feel unwell and tired during the RT, but not so much we couldn’t go out for a coffe or something. 
    min fact other than that I level felt fine. Tired and fatigue is my issue, I try to be normal for my family but it really tires me out. A couple of busy days and I’m needing a rest for a couple of days. And as others say and I said before, I’ll have a cry over anything. But I’m not sad, it’s the hormones. 
    so yes, the treatment goes on, it never goes away but I’m hoping my fatigue is just having had a few months after RT doing zero. I’m just out of condition, so I push myself. Probably too hard. 
    Right now at 21:40 on Sunday evening, I’m feeling good. But I’m looking forward to bed!!! 

  • Thank you and good luck with getting fit

  • Very wise words and advice Brian thank you so much Blush