over the phone...

  • 4 replies
  • 149 subscribers

Hi...I had a prostatectomy in March 2019...left me with incontinence problems but at least I didn't have cancer anymore,or so I thought.

last September I had a inkling that something was wrong in back passage,went to see my local Doctor,who got in touch with Consultant and sent me off to do PSA...5months later I finally got to see my consultant,who then informed me that they had lost my bloods and would I kindly do them again......he gave a me a anal investigation and concluded that there were growths there...set up a scan for me....2 weeks later had a scan.......another two weeks later.on a Friday evening around 5ish.just has I was going out to a gig in London I got a phone call from him saying "yes .your cancer has returned,3 tumours all in the back passage"...bit of a shock getting this news over the phone..I never went to the gig....he said that a different dept would now take over for radiotherapy and I would hear from them soon...how soon is soon...3 weeks now and despite me getting in touch with them...nothing.....i am not a very happy chappy at the mo....How long have others had to wait to set up RT?.Norm

  • Hi

    It can take time, with Radiotherapy there are many appointments, having said this, did you get a specialist nurse to contact ? Keep phoning, being a pest sometimes gets results as long as your not aggressive.

    Stay safe


  • Hi Joe again lol..I've heard nothing from no one since that phone call Joe

  • Hi there Norm Sorry to hear of your issues, it's bad enough once but twice, gee!!

    I would be on the telephone Monday morning to the consultant or his secretary asking if he has passed your details on to the RT department. If so can he give you their contact number. As you know PC is slow growing but worry and stress is also not good for the sole. The other thing is I would be asking if you need HT as well to slow any PC down before the RT starts.

    Good luck with that one and keep us posted.

    Best wishes - Brian

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  • Hi Norm

    My husband had a long and frustrating waiting for a surgery date, where the goal posts kept shifting for us. He used to ring them every 2 weeks to chase, but to no avail. Last week I suggested he email them instead, so as to have something in writing to refer back to - and lo and behold, within 48 hours we had a date for surgery! It could be a coincidence of course, but probably not .... It has definitely got to be worth a try?