Fast tracked to a consultant within the next two weeks, help and advise please.

  • 6 replies
  • 153 subscribers

Hello my friends,

63 years old

Locally advanced prostate cancer 

High range and aggressive 

Gleason 4+5=9

T3b N1 M0

Broken out into my lymph nodes deep in my pelvis

Please feel free to read my profile. I was diagnosed on 1st September 2020 after having CT scan, Bone scan and MRI scan.

These were done after being admitted to hospital through A&E with urine retention.

A catheter was fitted and the next day I was sent home.just as I settled at home that day the doctor at  the hospital called to say that my PSA was 12, six months earlier it was done by my GP and was within the normal range.

 I underwent a TURP operation to make urine flow better, at this stage a biopsy was done and every chip came out cancerous.

I was told by my oncologist that in January 2021 I would be receiving Chemotherapy and after a rest period I would be given Radiotherapy, all this whilst having regular hormone injections for two years.

I have always had problems with my Bowels and bladder since radiotherapy.

I can not go out of late without wearing pull up pants and  always taking a change of clothing with me.

I recently had cause to call my specialist nurse as I do not have a day wit’s out dirtying my pull ups 

(only a little, but it comes unannounced and I do not feel it coming.)

My radiotherapy was to the Prostate and the pelvis.

(My oncologist said that she would throw everything at it)

I went to the GP last week as I was going out of my mind because of the daily accidents with my Bowels as when this occurs on wiping myself I find I have retained a lot of not formed poo.

This is messy and I feel like I smell.

my GP gave me two stool kits, one for blood and the other was a normal test kit.

He called me yesterday (Saturday) saying that both had come back and both showed blood in the stool.

one was positive and  both abnormal.

He said he could not arrange a camera check so soon as I am on apaxiban which is a blood thinner.

He said that I would receive an appointment within the next two weeks to be fast tracked to see a consultant to eliminate cancer or any other things that may be going on,and would most probably be given a CT scan.

When I first saw him when he gave me the test He increased my loperamide from two twice daily to 2  x 2mg four times daily.

This was to try and make things more solid and easier to pass.

 I am dizzy daily which scares me.

 I am so worried at the moment as you may understand.

Any advice (warts and all) I  would be grateful for.

i hope that all makes sense.


”you don’t know how Strong you are,

until being Strong is your only choice”

Bob Marley 

  • Hi Spud - Sorry to hear of your issues. I am not going to be of much help here as your issues are above my pay grade. All I can say is keep on at the GP and your urology nurse as you need some answers.

    Yes a CT scan is a must but what is making you dizzy - is it the medication or other issues. 

    You keep strong pal and remember we are here as a community to help - I am sure someone else will have some answers for you. Keep us posted as to your progress.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Millibob-

    Thank you for you comforting and kind words.

    Its really helpful when you know that someone is around.

    Hopefully the call for the consultant will come this week.

    Until then I will listen to my body, my GP only got back to me yesterday, butI have slept more than I have in a long time today.

    Thanks again, take care of yourself


  • Hello Spud, I’m so sorry to read of your difficulties and really understand your fears. I have a couple of thoughts which, to some extent, I am hesitant to suggest as I am not your medical team, don’t know your medical history and not a medical doctor.

    my first thought is that as you are losing blood, I am wondering if your dizziness is due to anaemia due to loss of blood? Did you GP do any blood tests?

    my second thought is that if they are worrying about doing an ‘oscopy’ ( camera) to check your bowels for the cause of bleeding and incontinence, is a scan an alternative?

    hopefully your referral will come through quickly and I do hope you get some help for such a distressing problem.

  • Hi Worriedwife 

    GP told me it would be the camera which I have had a couple of times.

    Because if the urgency and me being on blood thinners he called me back saying that we would go down the consultant route.

    GP said the consultant will more that likely send me for a CT scan.

    Yes he did my Bloods around 3weeks ago and they did show anemia.

    However on a second test nothing came up anemic.

    My PSA is due in the next couple of weeks as I have my 6 monthly check with the oncologist.

    One thing that I know all to well about is that fatigue is  almost daily, but I keep trying to distract myself from this.

    Thank you for your concern.

    I will follow this up with any outcome when I find out.

    Take care, it's nice to know that there are people to chat with out there 

    Kind regards


  • Hi Spud, it sounds very much as if you are in safe hands!  I hope that all goes smoothly. The waiting and worrying is so very hard, I know.  And…yes… do let us know how you get on. X

  • Update on my post (from Spuduknow )

    So I saw the consultant within the two week timeframe.

    • He arranged a colonoscopy on 10th March which was done again within two weeks.
    • two polyps removed still awaiting results along with 8 biopsies 4 from each side of He colon.
    • But was told probably nothing to worry about.
    • I was told on the day (which was backed up by a report on the day) that I had 
    • poor anal tone, virtually none any ideas what his means and possible outcome.

    in a  letter from my oncologist for my six monthly checks he documented that I-was aware that my bowel and bladder problems were probably due to my radiotherapy.

    I hope this makes sense, any advise would be welcome


    ”You don’t know how Strong you are,

    until being Strong is your only choice “

    Bob Marley