Hot flushes in summer

  • 25 replies
  • 154 subscribers

I’m on Prostap 3 monthly injections for advanced prostate cancer. I’m prone to hot flushes like most other people and follow the normal advice to moderate the problem. But this recent heat wave and hot weather is causing me more sweats than usual. Have other members experienced this and apart from the usual precautions I wonder what else I can do to minimise this?


  • Hi Stanley, I know this sounds strange but it works, cool pads for dogs, just put them in the freezer or fridge then put them in between pillow and case or between bed and bottom sheets will keep you cool.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hello Stanley, 

                            I was referred for accupunture x 10 weeks for hot flushes but unfortunately, for me, it didn't work. I tried evening primrose oil and sage which didn't help. I was getting them many times an hour. My Oncologist prscribed Cyperotone 50mgm once daily and haven't been bothered by hot flushes since.

                     Hope you can get some relief.

                     Best wishes, Graham. 

  • Stanley,

    I found that filling up a Hot Water Bottle with Cold Water is quite good.  In the heat last week I was cuddling it like no other!!

    Also when I get up for the loo in the night I flip my pillow over so when I get back to bed I have a nice cool pillow to lie my head on 

    I don't normally get them during the day but last Sunday I had one from 3pm through to after 3am Monday morning.  Nothing I did helped.

    I know some men use pills and potions, and swear by them.  The Cool pads from Ulls looks like a good idea.

    Steve (SteveCam)

    • Thanks for these good ideas. There seems to be more I can do. I’ve also been prescribed antidepressants but am reluctant to start another pill. I’ll give the suggestions a try. 
  • Stanley, I am like you, not wanting to start another pill.

    I'm on Blood-thinners and that restricts a lot of things I can take.  Basically I can only take Paracetamol as it doesn't counteract with anything I am prescribed.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Thanks Steve. I’m also on blood thinners and quite a lot of meds. I’m told to drink plenty of water as this helps in so many ways in keeping me healthy. I’m looking forward to cooler weather and for Covid to be defeated if that’s possible. 

  • Hi BoroG, from your choice of nick name can I take a guess your in Cleveland.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Stanley,

    Do you feel the cold weather more than before?  The ends of my fingers are like Ice!!!

    If I could control the Hot Flushes into my fingers it would be great.

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hi Steve. Yes I do feel the cold more and often put on extra clothes when people are walking around in shorts and tee shirts. Of course this adds to the heat when I get a hot flush. 

  • Stanley,

    We can't win, can we?

    Steve (SteveCam)