Pelvic floor exercises after surgery

  • 12 replies
  • 122 subscribers

I’ve just had a robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy.  I’ve received conflicting advice about whether or not to restart pelvic floor exercises while I’ve still got a catheter in place.  I’d appreciate advice from people who’ve gone through this.  Many Thank in advance.

  • Hi Bertie - I echo what the others have said i.e. not until the catheter comes out.  I had a while to wait for surgery so I used the "Squeezy for men" app from February until my op in June and have used it since the catheter came out 7 days after surgery.  I leaked like crazy the moment it came out - it was really dispiriting to be honest.  Dry at night lying down, but pretty dribbly during the daytime.  Exertion (a 10 minute walk!) or tiredness really brought it on.  After say 4-5 weeks I passed a lot of old blood and clot debris and things improved no end.

    Coming up to 3 months post-op and since last week I don't need any pads at all, nothing, I can cough, sneeze and even fart without fear of leaking.  Coffee I can handle - I'm wary of beer though - I had some close calls during the Euros!

    Best wishes for your recovery.


  • Many thanks Upkeep for your advice and sharing your experience, Catheter comes out Tuesday.  I’m sure what you’ve said will help with how I deal with what follows.