Barca gene in ovarian cancer.

  • 2 replies
  • 6 subscribers

BRCA. This was brought to my attention recently. My specialist nurse stated that as far as she was aware I had been tested an found to carry this gene, although my files looked through the test not found, I need to discuss with my consultant later this month. My concern is for my children and grandchildren, do they need testing, I’m aware of recent double mastectomies in the press re this gene. But had not even considered that it might  affect ovarian cancer, mine is in my peritoneal. I’m now five years into yearly chemo treatments, now finished and now taking Niraparib capsules two a day, so far so good. Is anyone else aware of this or is it routine to test on onset of cancer.


  • Hi 

    I'm not a member of this group but noticed your question about testing for the BRCA gene hadn't had any replies.

    I think if you post this question in the ovarian cancer group you might get some responses as I noticed there were quite a few older posts in that group discussing this. I can understand that you would want to know if your children and grandchildren will need testing for this gene too.

    If you don't get any replies this might also be a good question to pose to one of the nurses in ask a nurse.


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  • FormerMember

    If you are BRCA 1 you need to have your children and grandchildren get tested for the gene and for cancer asap.     Don't wait, cancer caught early is very treatable.    I have the BRCA 1 gene and have already explained to my 13 year old that on his 18th birthday he must be tested for the gene.