Penile cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 4 subscribers

Hi , 

  • Hi Kevin, it is very scared the good news is  penile cancer is curable. It is very rare so there is not many of us, it’s a club that no one wants to join.

    i am 64 and was diagnosed 18 months ago so I know what you are about to face and you can ask me and this forum any questions and I assure you we will help you.

    you need all the questions written down for next Tuesday and take someone with you as there is a lot to take in.

    If you are the person that likes to know the detail then there is some good literature from McMillan and Orchid as well as on line.


  • Hi, Robert , yes I’m taking my wife next Tuesday, and I’m sure there is a lot to ask. I’ve read quite a lot about it , but as I don’t know yet what type or anything about the stage I’m at , we’ll have to wait and see. Thanks for the reply, it does seem to be quite a rare club. 

  • You will probably have a biopsy to determine the type and stage, penile cancer is very predictable it starts from the tumour then spreads to surrounding tissue then to the nodes then moves on further so they usually also take a biopsy of the nodes either during surgery or after surgery.

    In my case after the biopsy of the tumour it started to grow rapidly for a week it grew 0.7 mm per day which was very frightening.

    I was lucky I only had a glandsecomy and no further treatment.


  • Hi Kev, I have been on holiday for a few weeks just wondering how are you getting on.


  • Hi Robert , saw Mr Watkins at St George’s on the 5/11, they are going to remove foreskin and glan resurfacing, doesn’t think I will need chemo, haven’t taken any biopsy, surgery is going to be in about two weeks time. Had telephone pre opp, on Thursday and have face to face pre opp this Wednesday. And that’s as much as I know. Kevin.

  • Hope you had a good holiday.

  • Holiday was good thanks.

    This probably means you have caught the cancer very early maybe stage 1 so that’s good.

    Also getting the surgery quickly is good as my tumour grew very quickly after biopsy.

    Hoping you are keeping positive, you are about to go through a difficult time but hopefully they will get all the cancer and you should get back to normal in a few weeks.

    Best of luck keep me informed of your progress.


  • Cheers Robert.