Hello folks

  • 2 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hi all, just joined this forum after diagnosis recently. It's great to see your mutual support and courage but I admit to being pretty scared too after reading!

I'm curious about treatment timescales to expect. I'll explain time line and welcome your thoughts....

Day 1 - saw GP with lump on glans. GP referred me to urologist and gave me a leaflet about urgent refleral process. I was told to call urology if I had not been contacted within two weeks.

Day 10 - rang urologist and got an appointment

Day 15 - saw urologist. After examination he wanted to get me back for circumsision (foreskin none retractable) and biopsy

Day 31 - Day surgery. Same urologist operated on me and came to see me after I came round from anaesthetic. He said he had found cancer and removed what he could access and sent sample for biopsy. He said I would need further surgery and/or radio/chemo which would be a Christies, Manchester. He also requested CT and MRI locally. The whole conversation was less than five minutes.

Day 35 - CT scan

Day 40 (today) - I have MRI tomorrow but I've not had any further contact since that conversation with urologist.

Should I be badgering urologist for progress or just be patient?

thank you,


  • Hi Mark, to get to where you are in 40 days is exceptional, I guess you are still recovering from surgery so more surgery will be a while. It’s a balance of being patient and pushing for progress but they will understand you are very concerned.
    Be very polite but persistent knowing you have the next appointment helps. 
    Being scared is normal, you may want to research the next steps so you are prepared for the discussion with Urologist.

    I had a glansecomy with 3 lymph nodes removed and now cancer free, with no chemo. Once you know the next treatment get back on the forum and find someone who has had similar treatment it will help a lot.

    Ask any questions we are here to help.


  • Hi Mark 

    Total agreement with Robert you have come along way in only 40 days, from originally going to doctors referral to urology to my 1st operation was 37 days, mine was glansecomy and lymph nodes biopsy,  then it was just over 2 months to lymph nodes operation, with mri and ct scans several times in between. If you are concerned about anything at any time phone up urology and get it checked out, I can say this from personal experience, my cancer did return (very rare for this to happen) but I rang urology and am still receiving treatment. This forum is great for any advice you just need to ask and someone usually has advice for you. All the best William