Hi all diagnosed in March

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Was traumatised by diagnosis and initial treatment luckily now after 5 ops so far and now into 3rd week of chemo and radiology both angel teams in there own departments and 2 excellent consultants who communicate every syllable in terms you can relate too yes I’m babbling that’s how I was left after first surgery not knowing no communication and poor hospital ward treatment but that’s another story on which I will resolve basically penis fully removed lymph nodes in left groin removed vein on that leg has no circulation hense my leg is heavy and extremely swollen massive traumatisation and anxiety from initial ops which i be expanding another time I just feel that there is No understanding in general practice or health clinics regarding this considering there’s only 800 a year diagnosed i had a episode 5 years ago for an alleged hernia but not found diagnosis stated infection no follow up from gp or hosp 5 years later to the day diagnosed t3 penile cancer !!!!

I defy anyone to go to hospital and have treatment for this and then wander around any macmillan leaflet stand trying to info 

there is none due to being so rare yes I’m bitter and it’s affecting me

Mentally why gp diagnosed water infection why clinic  diagnosed std why no simple 30 self test all of which could have diagnosed me 5 years ago and save my manhood and not destroy my in 3 weeks the profile on this cancer needs to be raised and gp clinic and self testing need to be right up There I’m going to do what I can not Just for me but For the guys that don’t get diagnosed in time I tell every guy I meet through hospital transport and Porters how to check themselves and any way Forward 

im done Ranting speak soon