Pancreas cancer , 4th of 12 chemo treatment completed

  • 6 replies
  • 47 subscribers

hi everyone 

I was very hesitant to join chat forums but I finally decided to join this as this is a major change to my life. I wanted to say hello and that at the moment I am doing ok and dealing with it quite well so I'm told by friends and family well what's the point of going round feeling sorry for myself I have it and so I am getting treatment for it. obviously pancreas cancer is not curable so I believe . it has also given me diabetes type 1 ( insulin ) which I kinda managing so to deal with both at the same time is hard but I'm getting there.

I must say a big shout out to the hospital I have had so far 3 endoscopy's 1 ct scan 1 mri scan , 1 pet scan  in a very quick time space and when the cancer was confirmed treatment wasn't long after ( chemo ).

I believe they will Re scan me after the 6th session of chemo to see if the tumour has reduced enough to operate my tumour is at the head of the pancreas , I am not looking forward to any operation it scares the hell outta me Neva been sick like this in my life as in being in hospital as a patient more visitor. I know I will have an arranged appointment with the surgeon to discuss the procedure etc...which will put me at ease a bit.

take care all

I'll wait for any replies

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Community although I am so sorry to find you here. I am Brian one of the Community Champions here. I have noticed you have not had any replies from other members of the Pancreatic group and by me replying your post will be "bumped up" to the top of the page and seen by other group members.

    I have a different cancer so can't comment on your post apart from thinking you have a great positive attitude and look to be doing well with your treatment.

    I am a wimp when it comes to surgery and am needle phobic too but don't worry - when the time for surgery comes your hospital team will look after you and the surgery will be fine. I wish you well with it.

    Best Wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • hi brian

    thank you for your kind reply 

    yes like I said I am up beat about it and try to keep that going  , needles don't bother me etc..and I'm sure I will be ok with the surgery as I'm now they do it day in and day out.

    so thank You again

  • I’m on my 3rd chemo just finished. Was diagnosed in October with stage 2. I couldn’t believe it like you never been sick so finding it very difficult. Fingers crossed your mass shrinks enough. For surgery. Take care and stay positive x

  • hi nana

    I'm not sure what stage my cancer is was told it was the size of a satsuma  at the time so yes hopefully it has reduced , yes it is very difficult but hang in there like me if I can be positive then you can be too , many of us out there that we are told on the tv adverts with different cancers.

    so yes you take care too and anytime you can message me 

  • I will likewise keep in touch it really helps to talk 

  • Dear Another Trucker ,

    I am so sorry you are experiencing this awful disease , I wish you well with your operation and all the luck in the world 

    I wonder if you could advise me what stage you have? My mums cancer is also in the head of the pancreas and she was told no operation? 

    kind regards 
