Hello another just diagnosed person,

  • 15 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi all new to the forum here and about shell shocked as diagnosed on 15/01/2025 after so many test and on Wednesday last my doctor phone to confirm I have pancreatic cancer . Never expected to hear these words as I have been undergoing treatment for liver cirrhosis , as such not expecting this ! My world has just collapsed for me and have had to keep a steady calm look as my daughter heard the Doctor make this known as such I am now so unsure what to do ? Sorry to see so many people in this group and wish you all good luck with treatment 

  • Hello Wizard,

    I am so sorry to hear your news.  I have Pancreatic Cancer stage 4 inoperable- hence terminal.  I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve and advised of outcome on 2nd January, so I truly understand the shock and bewildering feelings you are having.

    I am a 54 year old teacher. No, I will rephrase that I was a teacher until the 6th of January when my career fell apart.  It fell apart in the statement from Consultant in 2 minutes....

    I start chemotherapy on Friday.  I too am trying to stay as calm as I can for my husband, children, and grandchildren.  My friends are just so amazing.  

    My advice to you, lean on your friends and family.  Cry, shout, hug and be angry.  Every emotion will come out.  You will have bad days, go with them.  They have almost broken me, but then I heard chemotherapy needs positivity to work better, right or wrong I don't know, but I am holding on for every bit I can to stay here longer.

    I wish you the very best with your treatment.  Stay strong.  PS:  A friend I've made through here, gave ne great advice, don't put pressure on yourself go with each day.    

    Always here if you need to rant, or share a good thing.


  • Hi wizard, you are not alone. I too have stage 4 , having scans and tests since May 2024! Confirmed 16th December . Starting chemo next week, and still not sure if I am making the right decision ? I managed to squeeze 4 nights away to Tenerife last week before I start and Cons said it’s very important to do things you enjoy, it has an effect on the outcomes she said .

    its a cruel disease indeed and I’m scared and sad too.

    Keep in touch 

  • Lisa, Morning and  I’m  and wishing you all the luck I can for Friday and next week . Please send me a friend request ? As I’m not sure how too ? I start Monday and I’m scared too 

  • Hi Supertrooper

    I'm trying to do a friend request now.  I'm not brilliant with IT at the best of times. 

    have a good day as best you can.


  • Hi Supertrooper 

    I hope by now you have my friend request.  

    A little nervous PICC line going in this morning ready for chemotherapy Friday.

    Wishing you a best day as can be.


  • Thank you for the words of support ( something my family have not shown just told by my sister NOT to let my mother know as she feels it would finishing herb off as my sister says ) so this trip on my own , my daughter is the only one that’s supporting me . Glad to her you having treatment , please feel free to keep me informed , stay strong !x

  • hi wizard,sorry to hear of your diagnosis.please can you advise as a close friend has just been diagnosed on 14th jan.we are totally in shock as the only test he's had was a scan.on tues they told him 6 months to live,then yesterday said he needs to go for a biopsy and endoscopy to confirm it's cancer!my head is spinning as until they are 100% sure i do not think anything should have been said.may i ask what tests you were given before confirmation please??and he would also like to go away for a week but i am hitting a wall with travel insurance so how did you get it???thankyou for posting this and try and stay positive and good luck with the chemo.

  • Hi I was told that I probably had PC but without a positive biopsy result an oncologist can’t treat you . So I had to have three US endoscopy procedures as they kept coming back negative. So they don’t know really for certain until they have a biopsy, which is positive news

    I also had several CT scans with contrast  and a PET scan, so it does take a while for them to find PC apparently, then it’s spread already ! 

    macmillan recommend various insurance companies on the site , I got a few quotes and it was well over £1000 for 4 nights so I would call them , try all clear and tell your friend to book that holiday 

    If he is well then he could just take the chance ?

  • That’s tough ! I haven’t told my mum as she is getting confused and she won’t understand. You need a lot of support and I hope your daughter can help you as it’s really tough making decisions alone . Have you got a treatment plan as yet?

  • Hi I’ve had many tests from blood echogram endoscopy and colonoscopy , with biopsy’s and removal of many polyps as these showed changes , can’t really go in for chemo as my liver is already suffering from cirrhosis , now just waiting to hear from consultants on some sort of plan . Will keep people informed when I know . Stay strong and wish you all the best