Newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 48 subscribers
  1. Hello everyone 

    I’ve just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I’ve had a CT scan and they’ve discovered a tumour in the head of my pancreas. I’ve got another CT scan this afternoon to check my chest, abdomen and pelvis. I’m also seeing the multi disciplinary team so will have more details and hopefully a plan. It feels surreal at the moment. I’m only 57 and have so much more living to do ! I’m a very much a glass half full type of person so hopefully my positivity will carry me through today . 
    Is there anyone else just been diagnosed and feeling a little overwhelmed? Thinking of everyone who is battling this terrible disease. 

    • Good to hear yr a ' half glass full thinker' I'm sure some one will write soon who is at your early stage of examination. I hope very quickly all scans will get the picture and Consultant will put a plan into action. There are many on here who have had some good results with treatments. Stay positive. 
  • I was diagnosed 3 months ago and had the tumour on the tail of the pancreas but it had spread. I had surgery to remove as much as they could and am now slowly recovering. I start chemotherapy soon too. I am 32 years old with a 11 month baby. It was hard to accept but I just focused on the fact that we are lucky to have it found and have a chance. 

  • Yes …. I have just had MRI, and waiting for endoscopy, not looking forward to that, there is a lesion but will only say definitely after that. Very scary ….

  • Sorry to hear that news. Your positive attitude is inspiring, stay strong.