Newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

  • 23 replies
  • 55 subscribers
  1. Hello everyone 

    I’ve just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I’ve had a CT scan and they’ve discovered a tumour in the head of my pancreas. I’ve got another CT scan this afternoon to check my chest, abdomen and pelvis. I’m also seeing the multi disciplinary team so will have more details and hopefully a plan. It feels surreal at the moment. I’m only 57 and have so much more living to do ! I’m a very much a glass half full type of person so hopefully my positivity will carry me through today . 
    Is there anyone else just been diagnosed and feeling a little overwhelmed? Thinking of everyone who is battling this terrible disease. 

    • Good to hear yr a ' half glass full thinker' I'm sure some one will write soon who is at your early stage of examination. I hope very quickly all scans will get the picture and Consultant will put a plan into action. There are many on here who have had some good results with treatments. Stay positive. 
  • I was diagnosed 3 months ago and had the tumour on the tail of the pancreas but it had spread. I had surgery to remove as much as they could and am now slowly recovering. I start chemotherapy soon too. I am 32 years old with a 11 month baby. It was hard to accept but I just focused on the fact that we are lucky to have it found and have a chance. 

  • Yes …. I have just had MRI, and waiting for endoscopy, not looking forward to that, there is a lesion but will only say definitely after that. Very scary ….

  • Sorry to hear that news. Your positive attitude is inspiring, stay strong. 

  • Hi Kia 

    your positivity will carry you through .  I hope you have a good support system around you as caring for a toddler and going through the chemotherapy will be a little tough . Best wishes keep us updated on how you’re getting on . 

  • Hi Kia, My partner's operation couldn't remove his pancreatic cancer, but the chemo shrunk it and brought his cancer markers down - and it  enables him to feel stable/well on the  'off chemo' days. We had a lot of tweaks of the meds that reduce side effects, so don't be afraid to ask for something else straightaway  if what theyve given isn't working as well as you need. He was on Folfirinox but now is on GemCap. Everyone's different. Wishing you all the best xx

  • Hi Butterfields 

    I hope you got good results from your scans .  I have just started my chemotherapy and it is quite an unpredictable road ahead but we must try and keep as positive as we can . I wish you all the best .

  • Hi, I too found out yesterday after 3 biopsies they have found come cancer cells in the Pancreas, which appears to have spread to the lungs . I’m normally a fit energetic woman so it’s really difficult to take in, I was awake most of the night ! I’m being referred to an oncologist but worry that the chemo will be horrendous and won’t be a cure. Im trying to do something nice every day, either a walk or lunch with good friends . Please let me know how you get on ? Netflix and books are my saviour at the moment .

  • Hi there, and sorry to hear of your diagnosis. When they found my partners pancreatic cancer had moved to his liver they switched him to a chemo called GemCap, which is much gentler than his original chemo, and so far is keeping it 'static' whilst also enabling him to feel well enough  to get out and do things. I think you're so right to focus on doing nice things - the present moment is all any of us have and isn't to be wasted. Hope you slept better!