Pancreatic cancer stage 4

  • 3 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hello everyone, last week I had the primary diagnosed as pancreatic cancer, the primary initially could not be found, my sister died from this awful disease almost two years ago. The secondaries are in the liver and duodenum, I will start chemo on September 2nd. It’s not curable, I am so frightened of dying and going through everything. I will fight this awful cancer , i believe from what I have read that I need to keep positive and believe the chemo will help me live longer. I am trying to keep active and well,  my family are the best ever but they feel helpless. I am wondering if talking to others in my position would help me and hopefully I can help them. 

  • Hi Atiz welcome to the forum and I am so very sorry to hear about what has been happening  for you. I dont have any experience of your type of Cancers but by my replying to your post it will put it into the thread where there are many others who may have the same types as yourself and may be better able to help. Talking is always good and sharing our issues with others in the same boat is also good and can be very supportive and informative.


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  • It would be good if your local hospital had support meetings for you to attend. You will need lots of encouragement around you. My friend had PC and she too would not consider anything else, but to "get up and strive to get the best she could, day by day" -There is so many on this site who can give you encouragement. I hope you do find the positive support to talk through all thats on your mind, you must be so confused and afraid. 

  • Hi Atiz, I am so sorry to read your post and hope your treatment is going well. 

    1. My father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in February and it had spread to his liver and bile duct. He had no symptoms until 2 weeks before diagnosis. He has been having chemotherapy and is still fighting this disease now. From what you have written it sounds like you are doing all the right things and staying positive.