Partner Pancreatic stage 4 also in liver

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  • 43 subscribers

Hi I'm Amy, 6 weeks ago my partner of 25yrs was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer which is also in his liver. It was a shock as he was first told it was kidney stones, then appendicitis, then eventually Cancer in a short time frame.

He started Gem-Cap chemo 1st June tablets & awaiting to have the infusion weekly after he has a portacaph fitted. He was in a hospice to manage his pain & get correct pain medication for 2 months & now gone to live with his Mother, bigger house more room, It's hard for us all to deal with.

We have been advised to spend time doing what he wants when he's feeling up to it. He wants to stay over at mine one weekend but his Mother is saying he can't take the chemo meds out her house, is this correct? I have been to all his appointments with him & aware of all the side effects taking temperature, the red card number etc & speak to the Macmillan nurses & I will be checking with them & his treatment team, if this is correct about his chemo medication not being able to move from address it was precsribed. I just wondered if anyone had a similar experience or advice?

This is so hard to navigate for us all, seeing him in pain & my emotions are all over the place & it's like I'm on autopilot.

Sorry for the long message I didn't know where else to turn. X

  • Hello and I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. My partner has also been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is starting chemo today. Unfortunately there was a delay in starting the treatment due to jaundice so the cancer has spread. 

    I have been talking to others on here and it has been a really big help. I can’t advise on whether the medication prevents him moving but I hope you get answers soon. I have 3 children in the house so I am anxious about how this will affect both them and him during the treatment process. 

    I am taking the advice to take one day as it comes and remember to look after yourself as much as you can. I am continuing to work which is difficult but grabbing naps when the opportunity arises. 

    thinking of you and your husband and happy to message if it helps. Take care x

  • HI Amy Im still tring to navigate this website but I saw your post and trust me I felt your  pain.  I wholly understand the emotions you are feeling. Its  just awful its just unreal Im feeling them with you. How do you navigate this, there is no real answer its all about you and your family and how you feel is the best way. im strugling with the same issues as you. All I really can say at this point in time is trust me you are not alone and sometimes that is simply enough.