Caring for my partner

  • 4 replies
  • 46 subscribers


I’m caring for my partner, diagnosed Oct 23, a week after his 53rd birthday. Every time a friend asks how I am, I’m honest. Answer really does depend on when they ask.

We have two Scottish terriers.

I’m struggling.

  • I’m so sorry to hear you are struggling Pensive

  • Hi I’m Ramona I’m so sorry to hear that, I know it’s hard… last year I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer . Two weeks ago I had surgery ( tumour removal from pancreas tail) nothing change.. sameHeartsymptoms sickness fatigue stress headache, and psihic destroyed.. Big hug HeartPray tone2

  • It is awful. I am your age and its my mum who has PC. We just found out yesterday that her tumour has grown and no more treatment. I am also honest when people ask because I can't lie. If the person is unlucky I also cry! Sending you hugs x

  • Hi my husband was diagnosed nearly a year to the day has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and liver metastasis- he is also 53 - this year has been hard he has had 22 rounds of chemo but we are still here! I really do know how you feel it’s a rollercoaster - You do need to get support I had a couple of months of counselling when he was diagnosed and I spoke to my GP to help with the anxiety- I also have a dog she is a mixed breed and she is our therapy my 3 kids and other family and my best friends are amazing too - take any support you can, let it out when you need too and find someone you can talk to it does help.  Take one day at a time and accept some days are easier than others is my best advice - take care  x