Absolute Beginner

  • 7 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi, it has been the strangest week of my life! I had a work health screen and it picked up some lesions on my liver - went on to a contrast CT scan to be told i have multiple tumours on my liver, more on my pancreas and less in the lung.

i am absolutely shocked. I am 54 and haven’t been fitter in the past 30 years!

 Not sure what answers i need, given that i really don’t know what the questions are. I guess i will know a bit more after my Biopsy next week.

Any info, tips or guidance would be warmly welcomed, as it’s been really hard on my wife and telling some of my freinds and family was worse than talking to the consultant. Feel a bit bemused fora bit and then accepting and then positive.

  • Hello, well I would say just take it one day at a time. Until you don’t get your biopsy results  at this point it can be any type of cancer or not be cancer at all !! . I am going to give you my husband’s example. He became jaundice and they found two tumors in his pancreas one in his kidney and one in his chess, the first found was in the pancreas so we immediately thought it was pancreatic cancer but later on the biopsy results showed  us that the tumors were a type of NonHodgkin’s Lymphoma(a really treatable type of cancer, thank goddessPray tone2) . He went through 6 rounds of chemo and now he is in remission. Always be positive no matter the outcome ,  I wish you luck and we are always here to help or just talk if you need. 

  • Wow! That’s amazing. I thanks every so much for finding the time to share this. I guess you never know and it’s wonderful to hear such a positive outcome. I am channelling Dory from Finding Nemo at the moment and just keep swimming. Trying to find a line between positivity and reality. Fingers crossed for Thursday!

  • Yes please never never loose your hope, always remember that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. Please keep us updated and good luck  Four leaf clover

  • Hi my husband went through much the same in April his unfortunately was PC, he is 53 and was also fit and well, I He has a tumour on his pancreas which has spread to liver possibly his spleen. I know how stressful the waiting and not knowing is but 3 months down the line he now in his 4th chemo treatment and is handling it well and is very inspirational in his positive outlook. one day at a time is really god advice and I hope you get better news.  I also hope your wife is doing OK I know how she is feeling as I am walking a similar path.

  • Thank you Plum1972! The waiting is pretty bad and telling my friends and colleagues was if anything worse.  Fingers crossed for Thursday and it really helps to hear stories like your husband, who sounds like an inspiration. You are quite right though it is really hard on my wife who is holding it all together. Hard to know what to say sometimes. All the best to you and your husband.

  • Good Morning Glyn, I too have recently been diagnosed but have.yet to have all the tests and MRI scan. It is good to know I am not alone. I hope you got on okay 

  • Hey Mike, it takes some getting used to doesn’t it? I am now waiting on results of the Biopsy (if you haven't gad this yet, its kinda ok and at least doesn't take very long).

    You absolutely are not alone - feel free to reach out any time. Seems like a fair few of us going through this, although it seems to me that the range of outcomes and experiences seems to be very wide.

    Take care
