My Journey Begins

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I am new to this site having only been diagnosed with PC 6 weeks ago. My tumour is operable and I am to have the Whipple Procedure on 13th July 2023. I know I am lucky to have this opportunity given to me, but I am frightened of what is ahead of me. It is all very scary and has happened so fast. I have great support from my family and friends so I am so grateful to that. 

  • Hi Sarah,

    like you I am new to the community and like you was diagnosed with PC but in September last year. After 12 cycles of Chemo, I had my Whipple surgery 7 weeks ago.

    I'm recovering well and am now considered cancer free, allbeit with the usual caveats.

    I was apprehensive throughout my treatment, but tried to stay positive, and have had the support of family and friends and also 1st class treatment from day 1.

    It is scary, but please try and stay positive as i believe a positive attitude has a massive effect on the outcome.