
  • 4 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hello, I’ve just joined and I’m due to start chemo on Thu and I’ve just found out it is through a Pic line. I can’t get through to the nurse I spoke to as I don’t want a pic line. I’m a big coward and would prefer it through my hand.

I had a sarcoma tumour on my lung and lung was removed but there were legions on my pancreas. I was due to have SABRE but then told legions were too big so had normal radiotherapy which wasn’t successful and now cancer has spread.

I am very uncomfortable and just sit all day. I don’t know if I want chemo. I might be making it harder on my family and myself.

Has anyone had a stent PTC and are you over the constant discomfort of it? I feel it debilitated me and that affects my decision on chemo.

Sorry for depressing post and thank you for reading 

  • Hi  and welcome to the community. I am not from this group, but noticed  your post has not had a reply yet. I had a PICC line for my own cancer and didn't really have a problem with it. I had mine in for several months. It is painless going in . Most of the time it is covered up and after a while, you really don't notice it. It really helps with infusions as you don't need to be constantly pricked with needles. You just need to not do anything too strenuous but otherwise you can carry on as normal. I hope this helps. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you Rily,

    Very kind of you to give me that information.

    Best wishes, Mags

  • Hi Mags123

    I also had a PICC line fitted and did not find it painful when fitted and removed.  As long as you are careful when dressing and undressing I found it easy but just allow time when you are dressing, you will need a waterproof  arm sleeve when taking a shower, nurses should provide these for you.  It saves getting lots of insertions of needles going in your hand and causing lots of unsightly bruising.  I even managed to do ironing my husband was very pleased as you can imagine.  Hoping this is of use to you, love and hugs XXXX

  • Thank you Sharon and Oily. Very helpful to hear your experience.

    Love and hugs back x