Hello to all. New to this as only recently been diagnosed.

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 Bit nervous as got my Assessment for chemo tomorrow, and no idea when actual chemo will start yet but just hoping can cope and the tumour(s) shrink so can have Whipple surgery.  

  • Good luck, that’s what my hubby is hoping for shrinkage of tumour. He’s started chemo coping quite well.

  • Thanks for replying.  Sounds like may be 2 weeks before I start chemo and have to a picc line for the type of chemo will be having.  Not read everything yet but blood tests taken so presume when they have results that will be the start of things moving forward.  Glad your hubby is coping well with chemo so far.  It’s nice to hear as no idea how I will be but keeping positive so far. 

  • Hi Lancs Twin,

    I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in August last year. Unfortunately my tumour was huge (16cm) and inoperable and I was given 6 rounds of chemo in the hope of shrinking my tumour. It shrank by 3cm to 13cm, but was still inoperable. I have just finished another 6 rounds of chemo. Apparently this time CT scan showed 'significant shrinkage' (no measurements given yet, I am going to try to find out this week) and MRI scan showed my liver is clear. Now I'm being sent for a PET scan so that surgeons can decide if it's now operable. Fingers crossed. I was devastated on diagnosis and have struggled throughout with pain (finally under control now thanks to palliative care team), but I have tried to keep positive and have taken everything one day at time. It's been tough and I'm sure it will continue to be, so I will continue to take one day at a time. Anyway, I just thought I would share my journey so far with you as it seems we are on a similar path. Keep strong! 

  • Hi JoAH, reading your post gives me hope for my husband, we feel to have been waiting for ever, anyway since stent fitted.
    his liver results have improved at last and he is due to start chemotherapy in 2 weeks 

    his tumour size is only 4 cm which is small compared to yours due another scan in 3 weeks 

    Can I ask where your tumour is because my husband is the head of pancreas and inoperable.

    be strong and remain positive 

  • Sorry haven’t been on here for a while.  Didn’t cope well with chemo and after 2 hospital admissions because of side effects I asked to stop the chemo and only had 4 of the scheduled six.  I was so low and absolutely no quality of life.  Consultant said she would give me a chemo break and schedule a scan to see if anything had changed. Before I got the results I was back in hospital with an infection and perforated gall bladder.  I was on antibiotics and in for 10 days and for the first time ever had morphine for the pain.    Seen my oncology consultant today and she said it was a very serious infection but latest blood tests are good and infection has gone.  Not sure whether I will be ok for Whipple op but I now have to wait 4 weeks (no chemo) and havre another CT scan and then appointment with the consultant surgeon to see if it is possible to operate.  So not sure really what will happen but going to try to have a little holiday and just try to relax and keep well.  Not sure how I feel about the op or more chemo but like everyone says take one day at a time and make memories.  X

  • Hi Lancs Twin

    So sorry to hear your story.  I have been through something similar please dont give up on chemo I knows its very difficult I came off it a while then went back on it I tried 3 different drugs, my very first one I was violently sick in hospital they kept me in and monitored me then tried me on another drug, this one gave me Neurapthy in my feet I still have it unfortunately.  Then they tried me on the 3rd drug I was ok on this but then wanted a rest.  I finished my chemo last August I was on it for 11 months had a PICC line in.  I had radiotheraphy in January for 5 days.  My last few scans have showed stable in my pancreas and shrunk in my lymh nodes so I am over the moon.  So please dont give up try another chemo when you are ready plus they can lower your dosage of the drugs they did that with me and I tackled it much better - the end goal is shrinking your cancer or keeping it stable thats what drives you - you will be ok.  I really do understand be strong and keep positive. X

  • Thank you for your positive message.  You must be so strong.   I am feeling ok at min but know I will need to go on more chemo but I know I could not cope with the strong chemo again.  Will just wait until I see surgeon who I saw in March but not sure what will happen next really.  The tumours haven’t changed but not gone worse either.  Will just have to try and keep positive and wait for whatever is next move treatment wise.  Hopefully I will keep well and no more infections or admissions to hospital again.  Glad u r doing ok and nice of you to pass on your positivity.  

  • Hi Lancs Twin

    Like I say ask for your dosage to be lowered it will still be effective and you need to keep the cancer at bay.  Yes I can understand the strong chemo thats what I first had I was not good with it.  Also you can change your drugs from the last one you were on, ask these questions:   1) lower dosage   2) change of drugs

    Even if it keeps stable like myself thats brilliant you can lead a normal life, your diet might change slighly, some things you cant eat drink anymore you will find this out yourself.  I take Creon tablets each time I eat, they make sure your body takes its goodness from foods without losing it get these on prescription ask your doctor.

    I am confident you can do this. Keep me posted X