Feeling Numb

  • 5 replies
  • 45 subscribers

2 weeks ago we received the news that my dad has advanced aggressive pancreatic cancer. He has bravely fought a totally un associated cancer for over 10 years and this could have masked his symptoms. He is not being treated for the pancreatic cancer and is on end of life care.  The speed at which this has hit our family has left me in shock and feeling numb.  Struggling to accept it or talk to my family about how I feel. Just thought getting it out on this forum might help. 

  • Hi Mattsi, 

    i am so sorry to hear of your news.

    what an amazing dad you have who has fought cancer for over 10 years. 
    Have you been able to talk to your dad at all about the diagnoses?

    it’s hard isn’t to talk to family members about how you feel! 
    My husband has PC and most just tell me to be brave and strong…. When really I just want to crumble and cry….

    Please take some time for yourself to speak to someone, a friend or the McMillrn  hotline or PM if that helps at all. Do you have Maggies near you? They were amazing when I popped in for a coffee. 

    sending hugs 


  • Hi Chrissie. Thank you so much for reaching out. My dad has been so brave over the years with a cancer that was treatable (lymphoma) but required bouts of chemo and radio therapy. This however has floored us all and in 2 weeks he has turned into a very sick man. I'm struggling to talk to anyone let alone my dad. He and my mum are just going through the motions but not really addressing what we are facing. He has pneumonia which has not responded to antibiotics so he is no longer receiving any treatment. We have his Just in case meds now which has really hit home that time is not on our side. I will look into Maggies and see if we have something close by. Thank you again for taking the time to reply. Sending love to you. 

  • Is your mum and dad getting support from his Clinical nurse specialist? Or a McMillan nurse? 
    Are you able to spend any quality time with your dad? 

  • They have District nurses and McMillan as he is under home/hospice care, they are all wonderful. I live about 20 miles away, work full time and have my teenage daughter to look after but I'm soending as much time as I can there. It all just seems very surreal. How are you coping too?

  • That sounds like you have the clinical support you need which is good. It’s hard/exhausting  isn’t it running backwards and forwards and looking after the kids. 
    Im so so, I work full time and have 2 teens and a 19 year old at Uni. I’ve taken some leave from work as it got abit too much. 
    My husband is 48 and about to have his 7th round of chemo, he has had really bad reactions to one of the three chemos his on so they are moving him onto Radio/chemo as the chemo has not shrunk the tumour and it’s wrapped around his portal vein and SMA which makes him inoperable. We just need to wait and see if the radio shrinks it. It’s just a waiting game for us but I’m worried the 3 month gap waiting to see if the radio works will let it grow again. 

    So nice of you to ask though, I try to take it day by day but it’s hard to do that hey.