
  • 6 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hello, my mum has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and is preparing herself for not surviving much longer. My dad also has Parkinson’s, so I am feeling very overwhelmed. I am only 19, and never thought this would be our reality so young. If anyone has anything that has helped them get through this time, I would love to hear it.

  • Hi Naomi,

    Our Dad passed away in April from pancreatic cancer. I was 38 at the time, but my sister had just turned 24, so when I saw that you are only 19 I felt like I should reply.

    My Dad fought for 18 months and although I don’t know anything about your Mum’s situation, I wanted you to know that it was not all bad. For a lot of the time, you wouldn’t have known that Dad was ill and we managed to spend quality time together as a family. From the day that he was told that his cancer was incurable, I expected it to be a steep downhill decline, when in fact it wasn’t like that at all.

    Do you have family around you who you can talk to? 

  • Thank you so much for your reply. Just reading it has made such a difference, thank you.

    yes, I am so fortunate that I have a very good support network. I do have quite a small family, but my sister and dad are very close to me, and I have excellent friends to count on. 

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad, thank you for sharing that with me. It is really comforting to know from you that it wasn’t all dark days- thank you. 

  • Hi Naomi

    I'd just like to agree with what Hugs says. I'm a lot older than 19 but it's not all bad. You will have some good days. Take one day at a time and enjoy the little things with your Mum. You'll find you get amazing personal strength to carry on.


  • Hi Naomi, 

    I hope you’re doing ok.

    I’m glad that I could help you in some small way - I’m always here if you need to talk. It’s good to know that you’ve got a good support network. Family and friends are so important when going through something as difficult as this. Thank you for your kind words about my Dad. I hope that your Mum is dealing with her diagnosis as well as she can be, my heart really does go out to you all.

    As Squeaky said, you find strength that you never knew you had.

  • Hi Naomi

    My dad has pancreatic cancer and I am 28.  I too and finding it hard and am still so disconnected from it all as he seems so well but prognosis wise he has till December. 

    It is warming to not I am not alone. You are facing a great deal at such a young age. Happy to keep talking to support the journey if it helps.

  • Hi Naomi, 

    My husband has been diagnosed with PC in September and we are unsure if it’s operable or not. We have three children ages 12,14,19 and understand it’s such an awful thing to be told/ deal with at such a young age. 
    im glad you have a good support system behind you! Have you been able to talk to your mum and discuss anything you want to know. 
    Have you got a Maggies centre near you?  I have found them to be amazing where I can pop in anytime I just need a chat or advice.

    This  group is amazing and a save place to come when you need to.

    Also here if you want a chat. 

    Sending hugs
