Dads diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I am new to this group. My dad was diagnosed with inoperable Pancreatic Cancer in August which came as a huge shock. It took me a while to come to terms with his diagnosis and has pretty much devastated my mum whose health has deteriorated since his stay in hospital over the summer. He is currently undergoing chemotherapy to prolong his life, which we have been told could be approximately 12 months.

I live on my own and find I am ‘in my own head’ quite a lot as I can’t really talk to my mum about it as she becomes incredibly upset. Recently I have begun to struggle at work and have burst into tears finding the smallest things seem huge. I’m trying to be strong not only for dad but for mum as well. I am lucky at the moment that he seems pretty well, although tired, from his treatment and I know we need to take each day as it comes. 

To be honest I am not even sure what I am asking, I am not very good at asking for help, I am just typing. I hope that’s OK.

Thank you for reading.

  • Dear RubyRedSox, you say you are not good at asking for help, but thank goodness you posted here. There is a wealth of help out there for you, start small, see if you can chat to your GP, who should be able to point you in the right direction - it's not just pills they give out! Does your work have an HR dept that could help?
    I've been having counselling once a fortnight via the Hospice my husband was cared for by. It's by Zoom, so very safe and I don't have to drive out in the dark and rain either! There should be help out there for you, there is no shame in asking for it, if you don't like it you can stop anytime. Please reach out, don't feel alone.  

  • Dear Peachez

    Thank you so much for posting a reply and reading my post. I really appreciated your response. It’s quite hard when you feel you can’t talk about everything. I will contact my GP. I’m not sure about HR at work so I will find out this week and see what I can come up with. I’m glad I posted here. Thank you again.

  • You are more than welcome, it's a sad fact that sites like these are very busy, and sometimes a post gets "lost in the noise", I hope others come along to help you too, but you are taking the right steps, just little ones, but they will take you in the right direction. Don't give up. There's help out there. Fingers crossed for HR coming up with some help too, even if it's only a few extra days off, and flagging up to your boss that you are having a pretty rough time. xxx