Feeling helpless

  • 6 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I haven’t been on any forums for quite a few months now but I feel like I need to now! 

My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer almost exactly 12 months ago. It was a real shock, within the space of 3 weeks he went from being a fit, active and healthy builder to being seriously ill and I thought we would lose him. 
Thankfully he was able to get himself well enough to have surgery in September (Whipple’s I think it was called) and then well enough from the surgery to have 6 months chemo which he finished in May. 

He was doing so well, got through chemo like the hero he is, got his appetite back, starting going out for walks and looking ahead to the future. A few weeks ago he started to feel unwell again - constipation, uncomfortable tummy and no appetite. He’s spoken to the GP a few times who hasn’t really done a lot other than say they will let the oncology team know. He had a scheduled CT scan a few weeks ago and was due to see the oncologist in about 3 weeks time. Today he had a call to say that the appointment has been moved forward and they would like to see him tomorrow. 

I’ve spoken to the specialist nurse and she said that there were some changes on his scan and the oncologist wants to discuss options with him. 

I know all we can do is wait and see what they say but I’m so frightened that they will say the cancer is back / they didn’t get it all despite thinking they had following surgery. It’s his 65th birthday in just over a week and I’m so scared he won’t make it any further than that. 
I honestly think if they tell him all they can do is keep him comfortable he will give up and I just don’t know what I can do or how I can help! 

One of the worst things is that we live 400 miles apart in different countries of the UK so I can’t even be there with him. I speak to him every day but the last time I saw him was following his surgery when he was in the high dependency unit - I had to return home to work. 

I am so frightened that I won’t be able to help him. I keep it together when I talk to him and tell him I’m sure the oncologist just wants to see him so she can say he’s cancer free but I can just feel it that he’s not! (I haven’t told him that the specialist nurse told me there are changes on the scan as he will just worry even more). I know it’s not the way to deal with things but I just keep a lid on how I’m feeling and just say he’ll be fine or there’s nothing I can do but inside my heart is breaking. I’m a mental heath nurse so I feel like I should be able to cope with and express my own emotions as well as helping dad to process his! 

I do have an older sibling but I am the main person who dad turns to, I have been at all of his appointments and I speak to him every day so I do feel that it’s very much me who should be helping him - he is much more open with me and talks about how he is feeling. 

thank you for letting me put in writing how I am feeling (not that I actually know how I am feeling but it helps to write it down!) 

thank you x

  • Hi , I'm sorry to hear about dad 

    Can you not go to see him, now that lockdown restrictions have been eased? Guess it depends on what country you're both in, as I know the restrictions are somewhat different eg between England n Scotland.

    At least you haven't got long to wait, if his,aopt is tomorrow. Will u b able to attend it with him?

    Do let us know how,the appointment goes won't you?

    Best of luck,


    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    Thank you Sue

    Unfortunately that’s it - I’m in England and he’s in Scotland. I didn’t visit when he was having chemo as he was worried about infection and didn’t really feel up to it as I go for a few days at a time then we had lockdown so I couldn’t go and he only got told today that the appointment is tomorrow so I’m not able to get up there at such short notice. 
    luckily he has fantastic neighbours who have been looking out for him and will take him to the appointment.

    i hope I will feel stronger and more able to face whatever it is when we know more! I will of course let you know. 

    thank you again x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    Hi Sue

    it wasn’t good news. The cancer has grown at the stump of the pancreas where he had surgery and has attached to a number of major blood vessels. 

    it is now terminal. He has to have a blood test to see if he has a certain type of enzymes in his blood, if that’s clear he will have palliative chemo which could extend his life by a year. Without it he has a few months. 

    I am absolutely heartbroken! I don’t even know what to say or how to feel, he’s very likely not going to be with us for his 66th birthday. 

  • Hi , how about  ringing the helpline so u can  chat this thru with someone? They're open 8 till 8, 7 days/ week on 0808 808  0000.Sorry they've just shut.

    He/you need to think about palliative chemo and his quality of life versus length of life.

    I can understand you not knowing what to say/ feel right now.. It must b  such a shock for you. I dunno know what to say myself tbh

    Sending you love n. big hug,


    Fear of the unknown is the worst thing. Once we know what we're facing, we find the strength to deal with it.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to buttercup01

    Thank you. I will try and call over the weekend xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    i'm so sorry to hear about your dad and i feel your pain as i had to wait a couple weeks to find out my dads scan results too. my dads is also terminal and he had the whipple procedure last year as well so i know how you must be feeling and i'm so sorry. the macmillan helplines are really helpful and are available to speak to you most the time i believe. i do hope he will be able to have that pallative chemo and you will be able to have as long as possible with him. its hard to express and explain how you feel but if you ever want to chat dont hesitate to message me xx