Concerned, Hopeful, Scared, but standing on Faith

  • 5 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I’m new to the community, I’m a 35 yr old Teacher/Coach that has recently had health complications. I’ve been having back pain, digestive issues. X ray showed a compression in my L3/L4 and I’m currently awaiting a MRI. I  scheduled for an endoscopy on next Friday. I have back pain and heart burn that I was put on gerd medication for approximately 2 months ago. Lately I have been feeling very weak and fatigued. The pain in my back is centrally located and feels to be right on the spine (not the same as the l3/l4 pain but higher). I am having all the classic signs for Pancreatic Cancer and wanted to reach out for some tips on how to handle awaiting diagnosis as well as actually getting started with treatment. I’m very upset and I have a 14 year old, a very year old and a very loving wife. I have no option but to fight if it comes to that.

God Bless!

  • FormerMember

    Hello friend, I dont have any words of reassurence or advice to give unfortunately. I just want to let you know you're not alone in this worry. For close to 3 years now I've had some odd symptoms, it started with lose of appetite (well breathing issues actually, though I have had that for quite a while longer, and I think I can put at least that symptom down to depression/anxiety) feeling tired, fatigue, the occasional diahorrea and my stomach looking a little larger then usual (im quite a natrual skinny person) over the past few years I ignored all of this. Lately I've had diahorrea at least once a day everyday for 2ish weeks, severe trouble getting and staying asleep, and night sweats a few times a week. The most worrying symptom I've had was, just a few hours ago, I tasted blood in my mouth, I spat out and sure enough there was blood in my spit. This is the symptom that sent my anxiety crazy, but when I connect all the dots it is leading me to the same worry you have. Now I've had severe depression and anxiety for many years now, I could put most of these down to that, but 3 years of all of them and the blood in the spit, I just don't know anymore. Oh and a newish symptom that comes and goes is, a burning sensation in my chest, this of course at first led me to believe I had Covid, but I have no cough at all and to be honest, I never cough, or any other symptoms associated with covid. The fact this has been going on for 3 years has me extremely worried it is indeed pancreatic cancer, and that it has spred and I doomed. At first I thought I had lung cancer, then brain cancer, the stomach cancer. Anyway, just thought I'd reply and let you know you're not alone in this extreme worry. Sta safe and good luck

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you sir. It’s a horrible feeling to not know and all the signs be pointing in the same direction. I pray the best of luck for you! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi my husband was recently diagnosed with PC he had heart burn and one weekend the pain was so bad he didn’t sleep but it was just above his stomach. I took him to A&E just because I knew they would test thoroughly rather than waiting two weeks to see the GP. After they ran all the tests which they were checking for a heart attack they uncovered the cancer. So I guess all symptoms are different. You should wait until you get your results don’t worry yourself that it might be PC  you don’t know until the results. We are 4 months into the journey. Happy to share some insights if you are diagnosed. For now stay positive 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Marc, I am experiencing some similar symptoms.  Have you found out what was causing the burping, blood in the mouth and diarrhoea?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Texas33, Have you had any tests and how are you feeling now?