MRI pancreas - please describe it.

  • 2 replies
  • 23 subscribers


I would be so grateful for information on an MRI of the pancreas 

I am on neo adjuvant chemo for an aggressive breast cancer at the moment that is in multiple lymph nodes. There will then be surgery, radiotherapy and possibly more chemo after that. I’m also on two monoclonal antibodies for a year. 

When they did my body CT they found a 1.7 x 1 cm intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm on the pancreas Head. 

I have moderately severe claustrophobia following an experience aged 6. I take diazepam and my husband holds my hand in breast MRIs. I have managed 3 to date. 

The Upper Gi MDT would like an MRI of my pancreas at some point if I can cope. Psychologically I need to know how they are done and the best way is to ask people who have done them 

I am an NHS patient but would find the money for a private MRI if the open or upright type can do the pancreas, presumably with the contrast dye. 

Thank you so much in advance for your help and advice. 

  • Hi

    I can't help with your question but noticed that no one from this group has come forward yet. Responding to you will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list where it might be spotted by someone who can help.

    If no one comes forward, can I suggest that you give the hospital a call and ask them what type of machine they would use. You can then also check with local private hospitals to see if they use an open or upright MRI if the NHS hospital doesn't.


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  • Hi latchbrook

    thank you for your reply. That’s a very good idea. I will do that. 

    I will have an upper GI appointment at some point (referred by registrar) so I will ask everything then. 

    If anyone wants to reply here, then I’d love to hear your advice too. Thanks so much