Mum has been diagnosed with stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic Cancer.

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My mum was diagnosed a month ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer which has spread to her liver. It cannot be operated on and my mum is facing just 3-4 months left. 

She's 73 years old and has other health problems and has been advised that Chemo could make her very unwell with the risk of Sepsis which she would be hospitalized. So she isn't going to have Chemo. Her pain first started back in March of this year and it took months for her to get a CT scan. 

She's being incredibly brave and is taking it a day by day. She's lost so much weight and is on very strong painkillers. 

I still feel numb and although I know she's going to leave us I can't quite believe it. They believe she has bowel cancer as well as Pancreatic cancer, as her liver biopsy showed bowel cancer. She only had a colonoscopy two years ago which was clear. 

I myself have had bowel cancer, I still have to have 3 monthly CT scans as it spread to one of my lungs. I'm ok but my poor mum isn't. 

I don't get it? Why did my mum get cancer and so fast? Why do GP's assume the symptoms are gastric problems and pump people like my mum with Omeprazole for months before sending them for a CT scan?

All I keep thinking is 3-4 months over and over and why?