
  • 3 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi all, can anyone tell me if they know what their tumor markers are?? Mine went from 69 down to 29, and my CEA is 3.8, would appreciate some comparison, as my nurse didn't seem to know 

Stay safe and strong


  • Hi 

    As my cancer is not measured in the same way as yours I can't help with a comparison, however, I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies.

    You could post this question in the ask a nurse section of the community and one of the specialist nurses will aim to respond within 2 working days.


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  • I don't often post here now but hopefully I can say something which might help. Markers can vary much from person to person and in general terms going down is always good. When my husband was ill we were told that the marker values were part of the overall monitoring process but not necessarily a reliable way of judging what is going on. Therefore, I'm not sure you would get much information from a comparison.

  • many thanks for your reply


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