Whipples good idea or not?

  • 23 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi, Everyone. I know we all have had different experiences, and that the only way to cure pancreatic cancer is by the Whipples op. My husband had a PET scan last week, which showed no cancer, which is fantastic news, and a result of the chemotherapy, radiation and prayer. He is now deemed fit enough to have a Whipples. 

My questions are:

Recovery time

Does the cancer still come back?

With the wonderful benefit of hindsite, would you have had the op? 

Sorry if they are such random questions, we are struggling with the idea, as a year ago, he was not fit enough, and this option came a bit out of the blue. 

Thanks for anyones opinion!!!! Tilly 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Tilly

    Great to hear from you. That sounds like a fabulous holiday. So pleased you had a great time with family. All we can do is keep enjoying and making it count  

    As for the Whipple, that’s such a tough decision. I don’t envy that one. 

    Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tilly, we are now in exact position with my mum. Initially it was inoperable and now they want to try. Mum hasn't decided yet ifxshe wants to go ahead. 

    What did yous decide?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, Serendipity, we haven't officially made a decision as yet, John has been seriously ill with sepsis, and now another infection, but thankfully is on the mend. We are waiting for some scan results to see if the doctors can find out what the problem is, his nickname is back to being John the Minion!!

    SO we personally are not keen on going for the whipples, but I would encourage your Mum to discuss the options at length, and go through the risks and benefits for her, the recovery time, and risks of complications. The more information you can get from the surgeon, the better, because she will then be making a better informed decision. Ask how many operations that they have done, and what id their survival rate. 

    We all know that the whipples is the only way of offering a cure, but even then, for many the cancer does come back. 

    Hope that helps a bit: please post any further thoughts, or query's.

    Tilly xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, Everyone, we have finally told the surgeon that we are not going ahead with the surgery. This is very much our personal decision, and I don't want people to read this, and think that they should do the same, each person has an individual set of circumstances, and it is up to each to make their own decision. 

    One of the main factors being how very ill my husband has been with the sepsis, and how tired he continues to be following that. 

    The cancer itself is barely visible on the scan, and there remains no spread. So, we are both relieved having made the decision, and we will continue to enjoy whatever time we have left. 

    Take care, everyone, and stay well, 


  • Tilly

    Thanks for keeping us up to date.

    As you say it’s up to everyone to decide what’s best for them.

    Take each day as it comes.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Hi, Everyone, 

    I thought I would just update you. My husband had a scan middle of November, which showed the cancer had spread to his liver and lungs. We were advised we had made the right choice regarding the Whipples, as it otherwise would have been an open and shut case.

    So he asked the inevitable question 'will this be my last Christmas', Yes, 'will I make my 60th birthday in January' a too big a pause made us realise it was a no.

    My most fantabulous husband passed away peacefully on 18th December, at our local hospice, 10 days after hosting a 'Not a Surprise' early birthday party!!, to which his family came again from Scotland, and we had a load of family and friends around. It was happy, crazy and fun!!! Just as we wanted. 

    Thank you to all who have supported us through our journey, I am going to say bye for now, but hopefully will be back to support others once my mashed head has decided not to insert random words into sentences!!

    With all best wishes to everyone, Tilly, Tilly and Rosie the cats xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So, so sorry

    I lost my husband 2weeks ago. It was not expected quite yet. But he had given up

    blessings to you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Really sorry to hear of your losses, Tilly and Muvver. They are never easy but seem particularly hard at this time of year. Take time to grieve and be kind to yourselves. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Tilly and Muvver I’m so terribly sorry. You are in my prayers. Much love to you both xx

  • Tilly and Muvver

    I am sorry to hear your news. I understand exactly how you feel as my husband died three years ago. At first you remember the sad bits but gradually you remember the better days. I am thinking of you both.
