1st Follow Up after Chemo

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  • 69 subscribers

Hi there. I'm driving myself mad! I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in September 2023, had a big operation with the removal of the cancer. I had chemo and four weeks ago I had my check up scan. I have an appointment next week face to face. The reason I am so worried is that last week I had a call to say my appointment was to be a telephone appointment. However today I have had a call to say it is actually a face to face appointment. I feel like it's going to be g to be bad news as I felt a little better when I heard it was a telephone appointment. Can anyway advise if they had a face to face or telephone for their first post chemo/scan appointment? 

  • Hi Moo19

    I am sorry to hear of your ovarian cancer, surgery and chemotherapy. 

    I can understand why you are worried about your upcoming appointment and it is very natural in the circumstances. I think once we have been through cancer and treatment there can be anxiety around any appointments. I found I would get really worried before hand but afterwards found they were reassuring. 

    I had treatment for endometrial cancer back in 2022. I had surgery, chemo and then radiotherapy. Once treatment was finished I had check ups every 12 weeks for 2 years. 

    All my check ups were face to face. My check ups had a physical examination and it also helped to sit down and talk things through. Could well be that they would do blood tests etc. 

    I hope your appointment goes ok and in the meantime, please do give the Support Line a call if chatting things through would help.

    Good Luck



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