Cyst on ovary

  • 2 replies
  • 69 subscribers

Long story short I had post menopause bleeding, went gynaecologist found a 3cm solid cyst on right ovary. Had MRI scan pelvic one 3 weeks ago. Got a message left on NHS app saying an appointment had been made to go back to gynaecologist on may 20th. Still got over 2 months to find out result. If it was cancer would they make someone wait that long.

  • Hi Kimmy43

    It does sound unlikely that if something serious had been found that they would be making you wait until May. 

    I would suggest either calling your hospital or emailing the consultants secretary.

    You could also give your GP surgery a call on Monday am. Your GP would likely have been sent any results electronically. Mine would normally receive any reports electronically whereas for me everything was sent via post and would arrive around a week later. It may also be that there is a letter already coming to you.

    But do get in touch as it is a long time to wait and worry.

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I spoke to doctors and she said nothing is on there screen. I’m going to call my gynaecologist secretary Monday. I know they have my mri results as the secretary said he would look at them and send letter. I got the message today on my nhs app with the appointment letter.