Waiting on results - terrified of the statistics.

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Thank you to everyone who posts here. It has truly helped me not lose my mind that last few days. I went to GP to follow up on severe abdominal pain on a couple times (first early on in period 2nd a week later). GP sent me to A & E and further to CT scan I was sent to referred to Gynaecology. Was told I had 9cm mass around my left ovary. Ultrasound scan found it tricky to spot it, but towards back. I had a womb biopsy (I think!) as couldn’t do immediate biopsy of the mass. Consultant then said womb lining thickened to 10mm. She also mentioned fluid in abdomen and maybe something on lymph node. She basically told me flat out to expect I was dealing with cancer as I am 54, but still having regular periods and my father died of bowel cancer (was 40 yrs ago) but as soon as long ago don’t have understanding of if genetic link (bowel and ovarian linked). I have another CT scan to check lungs as not shown in previous (lowers were ok) and MRI on 11/2/25. I am accepting of fact that I am very likely to be dealing with cancer and was told likely to be chemo, then op, then chemo, but waiting on MDT and further results to confirm. I have not asked for CA125 as I know not definitive. I know I must stay positive, but the statistics are terrifying for prognosis - particularly if Stage 3 or 4. Looking for some clarification on whether they are as dire as they look?