Hello! Just joined! I’m Pooky, age 66, and now in remission from ovarian cancer. Hoping to compare notes and share info. Also I’m an underweight diabetic.

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Hello, I’m in remission after the big op and 6 lots of chemo.  Now been on PARP inhibitors (Niraporib) for 3 weeks.  I’m now getting daily waves of sickness which I did not have initially and also so fatigued by 6pm (even after a post-lunch nap) that I go to bed.  I wondered if others had this experience, whether it gets better or worse, and if it’s worth sticking it out?  Anyone have any advice for me?  Pooky x

  • Hi I too had the surgery and chemo and on the same parp drug . I had to take anti sickness and the fatigue was almost unbearable even walking was an effort , so I told the consultant and he decided to reduce the dosage from 600 mg to 500 mg and made a massive difference . Haven’t needed anti sickness and the fatigue has gone so don’t give up talk to your consultant and that might work for you . 

  • Hi I too had the surgery and chemo and on the same parp drug . I had to take anti sickness and the fatigue was almost unbearable even walking was an effort , so I told the consultant and he decided to reduce the dosage from 600 mg to 500 mg and made a massive difference . Haven’t needed anti sickness and the fatigue has gone so don’t give up talk to your consultant and that might work for you . 

  • That is really interesting and quite reassuring to hear.  I will talk to the consultant.  I was going to ask him if it was really worth continuing the Niraporib and if it really makes that much long term difference.  Trying a reduced dose makes much more sense.  Thank you for replying.

  • Hi 

    My wife has just been told she had a complete response to chemotherapy on her stage 4 ovarian cancer her diagnosis was in may last year her treatment was speedy and exceptional they have offered the same drug to her, do you think it is worth it