15cm mass plus raised CA125

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi everyone

Reaching out to stop myself going mad.

Have received CA125 of 841, plus they've given me a CT and discovered a 15cm 'large solid mixed cystic mass' coming from my ovary. Being treated as new potential diagnosis until proven otherwise. 

Very weird time not knowing if it is malignant; they can't needle biopsy, so have follow up appointment Weds to find out more and discuss surgical biopsy. I think it's looking like full surgical hysterectomy.

So, so hard not knowing. Not sure what the CA125 can mean as I know these readings can occur with other conditions. Is 841 high?

I'm 51, pre-menopausal (for now!) and have only had symptoms for a month or so.

Thanks all and hope everyone is feeling well.

PD xx

  • Update- of sorts; my follow up is tomorrow. My mass seems huge, right?

  • Hi , so sorry you are in this situation, it’s scary and waiting for appointments and not knowing is the hardest. Raised C125 really does vary for some its raised into hundreds/thousands for others it’s within normal range, so on its own it’s not a screening tool, just an indicator that something needs investigating further as does the result of your ct. scan. I know it’s hard, for now try to stay in the present and write down the questions you would like answered tomorrow. Whatever tomorrow brings there will be a treatment plan. Xx

  • Hey, thanks so much for replying. Definitely the waiting is a rollercoaster. I have so many questions about whether it's possible to have a CA125 that high together with a mass that's so big for it not to be malignant, and yet it feels so surreal to contemplate that I might be facing this diagnosis.

    I think they have said the only way to biopsy is surgically, so also going to ask if they will do the full hysterectomy at the same time as the biopsy, or a separate procedure.

    Anyway, like you say there will be at least a plan from tomorrow, and that in itsefl will be a huge relief.

    Thank you xx