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Hi all,

I am 33 and have recently been told that a tumor removed back in April was ovarian cancer.

Although always a possibility it was still a shock, I was quickly sent for a CT scan which came back clear but my blood results have come back indicting there is still something wrong. I am being referred for more investigations and have also been referred to a specialist in London. 

Currently my feelings are all over the place. In a way i feel like a slight fraud as I never knew it was cancerous (i had emergency surgery and just thought it would have been a cyst) so although the surgery was scary (the tumor had twisted my ovary so i was in a lot of pain)  i was lucky enough to have it removed before i knew so if all does come back clear then it feels like it almost hasn't happened. However with the current investigations i am terrified that i may be told that there is still something there and so i am finding the waiting really difficult.

It's hard as there is no 'guidebook' for how to deal with this but does anyone have any tips or advice? 


  • Hello Juno91

    It’s so difficult isn’t it ! Please be assured this is the hardest part , the waiting the tests the appointments. It’s more difficult thinking: tumour out, ct done all sorted off I go only to be told further investigations needed.Try to take comfort in knowing that if ( only if) something is lurking they will find it and sort it  x 

    my advice with the waiting is: don’t google! it’s no good for your mental health, if you need information go to reputable sites like ovacome or target ovarian cancer. Talk to someone close to you about your worries, a close family member or friend or maybe phone macmillan who are amazing at helping you deal with your feelings and fears x 

    Lastly remember the saying “ don’t count your chickens until they’re hatched “ I used this mantra with my waiting and used it to think if it’s ovarian cancer they’ll do this and this and this if it’s bowel cancer they’ll do this and this and that ! At the beginning I was CUP ( cancer of unknown primary) so didn’t even know what cancer I had it was just “you have cancer “ ! But preparation is key and knowledge is power so maybe prepare for the worse hope for the best . Try to keep yourself well mentally and physically ( I know I know easier said than done) but try to take care of yourself , the things you can control like nutrition and rest and the things you can’t control take comfort in knowing there are the people out there (the specialists) controlling it x x I hope this is of help and remember there’s always someone on here to offer help and support x good luck with everything x x