Ovarian Cancer - Frustrated with the waiting for diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 54 subscribers

Hi I'm new to the group.  I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer June 20th. I have spatterings on my Peritoneum.  But I've had CT scans on 16th June, inconclusive biopsy on Peritoneum on 11th July, Ascitic fluid drained then too.  Biopsy on Omentum on 12th August results supposed to be back tomorrow.  Up to date CT scans on Thursday.

They've said they don't know where the primary is so as yet I've no treatment plan in place. I was originally told it'd be chemo then hysterectomy. Now looks like it may be exploratory to see what's going on.  

I'm petrified it's taking so long. Petrified they'll open me up & it'll spatter everywhere.  Petrified that it's already spreading rapidly because of biopsies.  Petrified that I won't be around for my 13yr old.

  • J

    Hi PoppyRose

    Sorry to hear you are having a hard time of it.

    I have have almost identical to you reading your post .

    See my profile. 

    Waited  months as well.

    They still don't know where my primary cancer came from. 

    Finally I've just heard they are doing a complex MDT on me tomorrow; with a view to getting me in fast for big surgery  

    I Would suggest finding out who your key worker is from consultants sec and call her.

    This may help to speed things up and give you info you feel is missing.

    You can make a complaint about the time waiting as there are government limits. 

    Also call the Macmillian nurses to ask about the procedure with your biopsies. 

    It shouldn't be something that causes spread 

    You are likely worrying unnecessarily.

    Was your biopsy painful? 

    Mine was shockingly so.

  • Hi Cheekkat

    Thanks so much for replying.  Just read your profile..   wow you are so knowledgeable! I feel totally bewildered by it all so definitely should get in touch with MacMillan nurses as they might help me understand a little bit.  

    My biopsies weren't overly painful just uncomfortable. Were your biopsies in same places?  At least there actively looking for where your primary us.  Colon & breast have now been mentioned but no colonoscopy or mammogram been requested. 

    I'll hopefully get results of my Omentum biopsy today but not holding out much hope for it being primary.  CT scans tomorrow hopefully they'll be rushed through.  I really don't want to be opened up for exploratory. Heard so many scary stories.  

    When will you know results of MDT? Xx