slow growing stage 4 ovarian cancer

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  • 54 subscribers

Hello,  I was diagnosed a year ago and have been trying to live each day at a time.  Hubby is very supportive and now finding I get hot sweats due to the surgery I had on my ovaries.  Going to join local support groups and meet up with others fighting cancer.  Been told my condition is life limiting, so making the most of time left.  Some days are worse than others and I find it hard to carry on.  Finding this forum should be helpful.

  • I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and prognosis. You are wise in making the decision to make the most of the time left. My cancer was stage 3 and I’m currently undergoing immunotherapy treatment to reduce the return risk from 85% to 50%. My husband and I are also taking the attitude that we have no idea what the future holds and whether I will become ill again so we are living life to the full now.