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Have had an ultrasound for a huge lump 10 x 10cm in abdomen. Now waiting for an MRI and Consultant.

It's not know yet if its ovarian, uterine or just a fibroid. Hence I've posted in both Uterine and Ovarian forums.

I'm 68 and for the past 3 years I've felt particularly unwell,  been diagnosed with Pernicious anaemia as well as Fibromyalgia. I have dizziness and fatigue. All the time I've had pains in hip joint.

20 years ago I had a riding accident which resulted in pins and plates ( titanium) in my r.hip for acetabular fracture internal rotation and fixture.

Now just 3 weeks after I discovered the huge lump, my right hip has become extremely painful when bend my knees to crouch down or forward or weight bear, standing up,  but no pain walking.

I am wondering if I in fact have ovarian cancer and had it for some time, and  the pain in hip at the weak spot,  has metastatic ovarian cancer.

I'm a Biologist and ex - nurse and so I do tend to try to work things out logically.

In the absence of a diagnosis so far has anyone heard of ovarian cancer metastatic to implants , or pins and plates.

  • Hi Chekkat, so sorry you are in pain . Going through tests and process to find out what’s going on brings with it such uncertainty and the what could it be and what is it  can be overwhelming. I can only imagine being a nurse with knowledge may make it harder . I can’t really answer your question but can share I have ovarian cancer that has spread to areas throughout my abdomen, but not to my hip replacement. I do experience joint pain but it’s not related to my cancer. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your MRI. My GP took a blood test C125 before my diagnosis which was raised, this indicated that further investigation was needed in relation to ovarian cancer. Has this blood test been carried out? . I really hope you get answers to your questions soon, waiting is so difficult. Take care.xx

  • I have just had the results of the CA 125 test and it was 18! 

    Somewhat relieved but still wondering If uterine cancer is the cause and I don't know whether CA 125 is not affected by Uterine cancer 

  • Hi , 18 is a relief . I know this doesn’t answer all your questions and I can understand uncertainty is likely to continue until you have the results of MRI . I don’t know enough about how CA125 test might affect other types of cancer , maybe others on here do . I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you that fibroids are the outcome of tests. Take care , be kind to yourself and I know easier said than done but try to stay in the present for now. Xx

  • This may or may not help and until you get results and see the consultant you won’t really know. I had a 30cm fibroid removed 15 years ago which caused all sort of aches and pains. It wasn’t cancerous. I did have endometriosis and more fibroids 4 years ago which caused hip, thigh and lower back pain. That also wasn’t cancerous. The endo was found in the MRI. Unfortunately for me, that wasn’t fully removed when I had my full hysterectomy so that’s what has caused my ovarian cancer. Hopefully you will be fine and it isn’t cancerous. 

  • I am hoping it's just a fibroid, as it is so huge. Until I get biopsy it's a worry and do feel so bloated.