Awaiting a hysterectomy, growth on ovary

  • 4 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hello everyone, ive been a bit blindsided this week. Had an ultrasound and ca125 bloodtest in october all clear. Just had a second one as i developed pain around bladder area in jan. Been told i need a hysterectomy as a small growth found on right ovary. My mum died of ovarian cancer so doc told me she hopes i will be seen and operated on within 2 weeks. . Wondered if anyone out there has experienced similar and any advice on how i could prepare mybody phys8cally before surgery and adv8ce for after and recovery. It looks like they will be removing  womb tubes ovaries the whole shebang to be on safe side, fingers crossed it hasnt spread. Very much appreciate any advice. Amanda

  • Hello, just a wee bit about my hysterectomy, I just tried to eat healthy, and take a wee bit of exercise I just tried a daily walk, I also had everything taken away, my operation was on a Tuesday afternoon and I was discharged on the Thursday afternoon, you do need to take it easy for 5/6 weeks but you will know yourself when you are able 

  • Hi Amanda. I had a full hysterectomy in October. I had put a lot of effort before surgery into being as fit as possible and it made all the difference to my recovery so I would advise you to increase your general fitness and also strengthen core muscles too. My surgeon commented that my recovery was enhanced because of this. I suggest downloading the Squeezy app post surgery because my pelvic floor muscles were almost nonexistent afterwards. So have some panty liners in your bag. Also take into hospital loose fitting trousers.  It is nice to be out of the hospital dressing gown but tight clothes don’t work with the scar. Despite it being counter intuitive do get out of bed and walk even a few meters the day after surgery. You will believe you cannot do it but it does help with recovery. When you are home walk daily starting with 10 minutes and building up over the 4 weeks to one hour, again that helps with recovery. 
    On the first few days after surgery I was astonished how I had no tummy muscles to be able to sit up or turn but the staff were very kind and helpful so do ask for help. 
    when I came home from surgery after 5 days in hospital (I had more than a hysterectomy) I found on the first day that just getting up, showering (bliss!), dressing and having breakfast took 1 1/2 hours and was tiring. Hopefully you have someone supportive at home post surgery. Do nap every day, I found I needed a nap for 10 days after coming home. A clinician wisely told me that 90% of my energy would go into healing so rest is essential. 

    I hope that helps and best wishes for your surgery. 

  • Hello thank you so much for your reply i will take on board your advise. Just a couple of further questions, did you find thatgoing for a wee and openingbowels after op was that normal for you , a few women on other sites have said they had a lot of problems. I have crohns disease and im so worried going willbe a problem. They discharged you very quickly, i take it you didnt have afull cut open stomach operation. I hope i have the vaginal op and am out quick aswell

  • Hello there, I just wanted to thank you so very much for your words of advise, I found it very helpful. May I just ask did you have a full insision on your tummy is that why you were in 5 days ? Ive been trying to read up about things and it seems that recovery takes longer and they keep you in hospital longer. Ive got to have a C.T scan first im guessing so they can have a clearer look of growth before opearting. Its all so worrying but Im trting to remain positive and hope they just take the whole lot out and that I dont have to wait toomuch longer. 

    Before and after your op were you advised to take a stool softener cos Ive heard going afterwards is very painful.

    Im very active and I k ow I willbe keen to start doing a few ten min walks around asap. I guess its just listening to my body and seeing how Im  feeling, I just know I willbe worrying about over doing it and also the other way of not doing enough and risking blood clots. Im hoping the medical team will advise me correctly.

    Sorry for asking a bit much

    But thank you so much again for replying
