I dont know what's going on

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  • 60 subscribers

Hello everyone, am hoping for a little advice please. I have no diagnosis at the moment but on Friday my doctor called me after a second ultrasound on my ovaries in 6 weeks telling me I was being put on a 2 week wait referral and they were looking to rule out cancer. In all honesty after he said that word my mind went all fuzzy and I didn't really catch what else he was saying. I was then called 20 mins later to book in for blood test after some research am guessing this is for the CA125 test. I have the NHS app (not the best app for me who likes to know everything she is dealing with) and have checked what the scan results had said and probably for the worst Google searched (I know!) In 6 weeks the cyst has gone from normal although a little larger than usual to an irregular shape, grew 3cm and has solid masses with internal vascularity, I now have got a 'cancer safety netting' note on my remedial records, please does anyone have this kind of experience with cancer, are my chances of cancer high? Am only 40, not sure of cancer in the family (esteanged) and have never been pregnant. 

Sorry for the long post but am just so confused and stressed about this with noone to talk to and Google being my only 'friend' 

  • Hello Bellapup - I am so sorry that you are going through this worry.   Your GP is right to take the tests from the perspective of 'ruling out cancer' rather than ruling it in.   I think the cancer word is quite terrifying - I remember my GP using the phrase 'it might be this or it might be something serious'.   I knew what she meant by using the word serious and it put me into a terrible spin.   I had to wait two and a half weeks for my CT scan and then a few more days after that for the results.  What used to give me some comfort - I was being checked out thoroughly to rule cancer out.   If it did turn out to be cancer - I would be in the right place for treatment.   In my case, it was cancer but it was surgically removed and with chemo - there was no sign of disease at my last scan.  I don't want to put too much in the reply - as I know how utterly overwhelming the possibility of cancer is.    Consider your GP for some support and information and please try (if possible) not to Dr Google things.    So much of the information on the internet is out of date.  I made a point of not googling things and I am so glad I did because it was bad enough without googling!  But please do come back here for more support if you need it and remember there is a group on here for specialist nurses where you can go for advice.   I did and got a really good answer within a day.   You also have the MacMillan support line.   Warm hugs are sent your way. x

  • Hello pickles1959,

    Thank you for your reply, everything is so overwhelming at the min and because I don't understand it I think it makes it worse, I don't want to burden my friends or doctors as I'll feel like an drama queen and am over reacting if it turns out to be not cancer. It also feels like getting all the information all be it from Google is letting me have some control over the situation and preparing me for what might come my way. Any doctor, nurse or the lady that did my last scan seem like they are being cagey with the information, like they don't want to tell me anything.

    I have my blood tests tomorrow and I honestly feel sorry for the lady that is taking the blood cos I have so many questions that I feel like am gonna overwhelm her or she is not going to or can't answer them that its gonna frustrate me to the point I won't be able to control my emotions and am sure she does not want a hysterical woman in her room.

    Am thinking positively about it. 

  • Please try not to worry about being an hysterical woman - I was that woman many times over in the early weeks.   I would cry regularly at any appointment and I was always met with kindness.   Sometimes, they simply do not have the answers at that point.   But being shown kindness and compassion can go a long way.  This whole 'ruling out' cancer is very difficult to go through.  Trying to hold in your emotions is also very difficult.  Please consider ringing the MacMillan line for some support - it might just make the difference between helping you to cope through this really tricky time. xx