Weak legs

  • 5 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi all 

I have recently completed 6 rounds of chemo and had terrible side effects including leg spasms and muscle and bone pain. 

I have received the all clear now, so no more treatment!!SmileSmile

Anyway just wondering if anyone has completed the full course of chemotherapy and suffering with their legs?? 

I have leg spasms in the evening and through the night, which my consultant has said that this is peripheral neuropathy which unfortunately is permanent due to the chemo giving me nerve damage, I have been prescribed medication which is helping with the spasms.

But not with the weakness, most days I get up not too bad, then by lunch time, weakness starts and struggle to walk about, and my legs give way. I'm really struggling today and had to be collected by my hubby while I was walking my dog. 

Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome the weakness? I've tried walking slower and building up distance every day, but the more i walk the woeseit gets 


  • Charlie, I don't have experience of what you're going through with post-chemo stuff. I'm so sorry you're having a tough patch. 

    Be kind to you and set yourself reasonable expectations. You're just coming out of a battle and realising that you've another hurdle to climb. Look back and see how far you've come. You're amazing.

  • Hi Chaz

    My sympathy to you…I did experience some peripheral neuropathy (mainly in my toes and fronts of my feet).  I am not expecting this to improve; it’s unlikely.  

    However, the weakness and loss of strength in your legs…I did experience that, though it sounds like yours is worse.  I am much better on that score now, based on gentle but regular exercise (walking), and paying careful attention to eating healthily.  I don’t do ‘low fat, low everything’, just healthy food, plenty of protein, plenty of fruit and veg, nuts and seeds.  I eat little meat, but I don’t think that’s much of an issue either way, as long as you get your protein.  And, very important, I take high quality supplements, particularly of Magnesium (citrate, not hydroxide), vitamin B complex, vitamin C (slow release), vitamin D3, and Zinc.  The magnesium particularly has helped me with muscle strength, energy, leg cramps and spasms, etc.

    I am not trying to give you advice, just sharing what has helped me, and continues to help me in getting better.  I was given the ‘all clear’ back in March, but felt like death warmed up!  All the above has massively helped me.

    Good luck, and best wishes to you.


  • Thanks so much Sue 

    I will try some magnesium. See if that helps 

  • Hi, I too have just finished chemo and have neropathy ( hoping it will go. I asked my support nurse as I’m having weak legs and really bad joint pain all over . I can walk etc but getting up and down stairs or off the settee ( I look like I’m about 100 years old ). 
    i have morphine if it gets too bad . 
    i have fell over See no evil 3 times when taking off trousers  or putting pjs on , my one leg couldn’t wasn’t strong enough.

    i seem to of had less side affects or less in time than I do now 

  • Hi 

    I'm now 6 weeks post last chemo, and still suffering with my legs. One day I'm up they are ok ish, then next day struggle to walk. 

    I'm hoping they improve as time goes on. I spoke to a holistic therapist who suggested massage may help, but can't have it until I'm 6 months after treatment. I've started gently swimming, which I used to swim a lot before diagnosis. So may help strengthen muscles, failing that just put a request in for a new pair of legs Rofl

    I hope your legs get better with time, if I find any miracle cure I'll let you know. My fear is this is it for the rest of my days Disappointed