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  • 63 subscribers

I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer just before the first lockdown which was challenging having to go to chemo on my own and face tests and surgery too on my own.

I think this made me stronger having to do things on my own.

My biggest challenge was shielding and not able to see family and friends.  It affected my confidence as I unfortunately got used to being in my safe bubble.

I finished chemotherapy end of August, had surgery in June  and finished Avastin in June this year.

I will have CA125 blood tests to monitor recurrence.

I find this really difficult worrying about recurrence and I am scared.

My family and friends keep telling me I am brave but I’m not I am terrified and being brave is quite I'm sure many ladies know exactly what I mean.

It feels good to share my feelings.



  • Hi , Julie, I know exactly what you mean. This time last year I was undergoing tests and scans for Endometrial cancer. Went to all tests alone due to lockdown except for when Hubby took me for my op and collected me. Went to Brachytherapy on my own and yes, I did feel strong for doing it. Took a long time to get my confidence back and even though fully jabbed I avoid going out except for walking dog if possible.

    I've just had my 3rd three monthly check-up and all good but I'm finding more and more I worry about recurrence. It's good to talk out our fears, my family also say I'm brave etc. but the truth is after a cancer diagnosis life's never really the same again. I'm the first in my "biological" family to have cancer and TBH no-one really knows what to say to me. 

    I might be from a different group but we're all here for each other whatever, be positive!

    Sending hugs, B xx Hugging

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Arrr lovely to hear from you knowing it’s not just me having these feelings.

    It is difficult to go out even when we have been double vaccinated.  The first time I went out I had a panic attack I found the mask really difficult.

    l am trying to go out more now where I feel safe a coffee at a local garden centre with a friend when it’s quiet in the week was a start.

    If I start to panic and feel like I can’t breathe I suck a mint which does help.

    You take care and think of the journey we have been through we are amazing


  • Hi Cosmoscat 

    I think you are doing incredibly well and getting out to your local garden centre is a huge step forward , I know exactly how you feel . I was diagnosed in Dec 2019 at stage 3 c , have had 6 cycles of carboplatin and paclitaxel and lost all my hair , my cancer had started growing again by last November , so have had six cycles of carboplatin , my hair has grown back beautifully , am now able to have a rest from treatment and will be scanned again late September, however after 3 urine infections last Christmas had to have a stent fitted to my right ureter , it will be repaced on Tuesday so I have been in lockdown . I am very positive but do have moments of concern as we all do . This is a nightmare of a journey that we are facing . Good luck to you and stay as positive as you can 

  • Gosh you have had a traumatic time. It is a journey as you say and we have to take it a day at a time sometimes good and sometimes bad.

    Fingers crossed the stent goes okay.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Sending virtual  hugs Hugging 

  • Dear Cosmoscat , 

    Thankyou for your reply , do take care , tomorrow is stent day , will be thinking of you and others going through tough times and sending positive thoughts to all of you 

  • Hi 

    Fingers crossed it goes ok for you.
