About to be diagnosed

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  • 50 subscribers

I was being investigated for a bowel problem, had an mri and was told on Tuesday that my bloating was asities and it was ovarian cancer. I have an appointment with a gynaecologist next Thursday. 

  • Hi Foxygirl

    Sorry you find yourself here, but hopefully the experiences of others on this site can help you get through this.

    Based on my own experience I’d anticipate your gynaecologist will probably want you to have a CT scan and also a blood test to check your CA125 (OC blood marker) level. All of these tests will help with establishing the likelihood of OC - but you probably won’t know for sure until a biopsy is done.

    At this point you’ll probably have a million and one questions going round in your head, and I’d recommend writing them down and having them with you (and a pad and pen too) when you go to your appointment. For me the uncertainty was one of the hardest things to deal with, and hopefully you’ll find, like me, that you’ll feel better when you have a treatment plan in place, and you know what you can do personally to help at each step along the way.

    Whether what you have is OC or not, please remember there are lots of amazing treatments available these days, do it’s important and very helpful to stay positive.

    Wishing you all the best for your appointment on Thursday, and it’d be great to hear how you got on whenever you feel like posting again.

    love Bxx