
  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers
Hi I'm about to start on six months of Carboplatin/Caelyx given one day a month. Has anyone been through, or is currently on this treatment? Can you tell me what to expect? I'm a bit disappointed as I only finished my last six cycles of chemo (with mid term modified radical de-bulking) at the end of May. I was hoping for a little longer remission. Looking forward to hearing from you. Regards Mhairi
  • FormerMember

    Hello Mhairi

    It is always disappointing to hear the word recurrence or disease progression.  Was your first line of chemo carboplatin and paclitaxel?  Since your disease did not spread until 6 months following your first line of chemo, it is not deemed to be platinum resistant (my disease progressed within 3 months of finishing carbo/taxel so therefore deemed to be platinum resistant, and I cannot have platinum based drugs again). 

    I have had 2 further lines of chemo the first of which was Caelyx but as a single agent.  The regime was easy as I only had treatment every 4 weeks.  The only side effect I had was after the first treatment I had a very sore mouth and swollen lips, so much so that the second treatment was delayed by a week.  That did not recur and I felt very well all the time I was on Caelyx and therefore disappointed when I learned that the disease was still progressing following the interim scan. 

    I hope for you that the combination of carboplatin and Caelyx gives you the welcome news of remission again, and hopefully a longer period.  Wishing you all the very best.  Maureen

  • FormerMember

    My mum had the same initial treatment and went into remission but it returned within four weeks - we then found out she actually had stomach cancer which had spread to the ovaries and peritoneum / bowels so it was worse than we had thought. Her current chemo regimen is EOX for the stomach cancer and it has more side effects than the first lot but she's doing so well that they've extended it from four to six sessions. She's got a permanent drain in her abdomen and she was building up several litres of fluid a week but now it's down to a few hundred mls. Obviously o can't comment on Caelyx but don't lose hope :) 

  • FormerMember
    Dear Maureen and Cupcake girl

    Thank you for your replies.

    I was on the standard carboplatin paclitaxil for first line. I was also on the solo1 Oliporab PARP inhibitor trial after first line chemo. I hope I was on the placebo but suspect not as my energy levels doubled after being taken off the trial.

    I'm sorry that your Mother was misdiagnosed Cupcake girl. It's hard to deal with at the best of times.

    I had my first second line chemo yesterday. All went well and I feel ok today. As with us all, I wanted to have a longer remission time. Never mind.

    Thank you ladies for your replies.

    Regards Mhairi
  • FormerMember
    Hi and Good Luck with the combined treatment. After 7 treatments with carboplatin and paclitaxol,debulking surgery after chemo 3, I was disappointed to have a platinum resistant recurrence. I had caelyx 3 yesterday, having had this delayed by a week as I had a pretty bad reaction during the 4 weeks following. Nasty rash! Got C.T in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed. Good Luck. Max dog lady.
  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to add, despite them giving my mum of a prognosis of less than a year a few months back, we had the results of her latest CT scan yesterday which shows massive improvements - fewer active cells, her stomach is less thickened, the fluid has slowed right down. She is so well you wouldn't believe she is having chemo or has cancer. When it recurred and before chemo started, she was getting more sick so fast, it was terrifying. Don't give up hope, I really hope this treatment helps you - this disease is horrendous x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi all

    I had my first carboplatin/caleyx treatment on Monday and it's now Wednesday night and I'm starting to feel a bit iffy you could say. I don't mind really because something is obviously happening inside. I was wondering if any of you lost hair with this combo as mine has started to fall already. I don't mind at all but it took a couple of rounds of my first line treatments of carbo/taxol/Avastin combo for it to go. It's seems a bit quick to be honest.
