Low white cell count - chemo delayed

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hello everyone,

My mum was due her third round of chemo on Thursday, but Monday bloods revealed her WBC is too low.

Has anyone experience of this affecting them/loved ones too? Did this affect any/all future treatments?

Thanks in advance, 


  • Hi  . I'm not from this group but noticed your post has slipped through without a reply yet. Just giving it a bump and hopefully someone else will respond. Delays through low blood counts are very common with chemo. I have had a few myself for my own cancer. In extreme cases they can medicate but prefer to let things recover naturally. I was told the odd delay should not make much difference in the great scheme of things. I hope all goes well for Mum. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hello LH24

    I am sorry to hear that Mum's chemo was delayed. 

    I had a similar issue on my third and fourth rounds of chemo. However mine just managed to creep into the safe zone. I also had some issues with magnesium and haemoglobin. It is frustrating when a planned treatment is delayed but it is important to get the body into the safest ranges so that chemo can be at its most effective with the least risk of complications. When I became neutropenic the consultant explained that it would put me at risk of serious infection (sepsis) so if it had not risen to above a certain number then it would mean postponing chemo for another week. 

    With the haemoglobin, I was given a transfusion. With the magnesium issue I was given supplements but for the neutropenia it was a case of waiting for the levels to naturally rise.

    I hope Mum's WBC will come up over the next few days so that she can safely have her next chemo. 



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  • Hi Jane, 

    thank you. It’s comforting (perhaps wrong choice of word) to know this seems to be par for the course. 
    Fingers crossed they pick up in the next week, they have told her she’ll have a little booster injection if it’s not picked up in time.

    Bless her, I think she was surprised because she’s been feeling really well, so knowing your body is doing something different under the surface is a bit strange!

    Anyway, thank you. I do hope you are well too. 

  • Thank you Rily. I do hope you’re well. X

  • Hi LH24,

    I've been thinking about your mum and how she's been getting on. I'm glad she's been feeling well even though she's had this little setback.

    I had a low white blood count ahead of my third cycle but they decided to go ahead. I had an injection the day after my third and fourth chemo to stimulate the white blood cells so this might be something they add into her treatment plan for future cycles. 

    Best of luck for a positive outcome next week 


  • Hi Hopeful! Thanks for checking in. They’ve said they may give her an injection too so hoping that helps. 

    How have you been doing? X