
  • 2 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Sorry for such a random post but I’m just seeking some advice / reassurance please.

For the last couple of weeks or so, I’ve been experiencing intermittent bouts of nausea. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to it - no specific foods etc and sometimes I’ve woken in the night feeling nauseous.

Would you be concerned? Mentioned it to my GP when I saw them last week re a potential 1cm cyst on my forehead but they weren’t concerned. 
Nausea wasn’t one of my symptoms previously. I’ve got another scan anyway in 2wks.

Did wonder if it could perhaps be scar tissue / adhesions?


  • Ive had lots of unpredictable random bouts of nausea from chemo and from maintenance drugs (and from diabetes meds) and after migraines.  Cd it be a side effect from drugs?  You don’t say what you are taking at the moment.

    sorry that’s not really any help, just a personal observation…

    good luck

  • Thank you replying.

    Sorry my fault - I should have given more info! Currently not on any drugs or chemo - my treatment was just surgery with a full midline laparotomy.

    I hope you feel better soon