So worried!

  • 4 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi all

Background info:

Dec 2021 large mass found on right ovary. Surgery to remove mass. Also had full hysterectomy and appendix removed. Advised mass was borderline/benign

Dec 2023. Recurrence. Debulking surgery and spleen removed

Jan to May 2024 - chemo. Follow up to be 3 monthly bloods

Now: uncomfortable feeling in abdomen. Bloods taken - normal score of 9

Ultrasound 2 weeks ago

Now to the very worrying bit - letter from hospital with consultant appointment beginning of Aug. Nurse said face to face is standard practice for results and not to worry.

Can the cancer be coming back so soon after chemo and de-bulking? Surgeon said at surgery all signs of cancer had been removed

Help - I am so very anxious and dreading what i will be told. 2 weeks to wait for appointment Weary 

  • Sorry to read this - I don’t know the answer but just wanted to say that I was sorry to read this.

    It must have been particularly awful to have the recurrence after being advised the original mass was borderline/benign and dealing with the emotions on top of that. At least you were monitored so it was able to be picked up.

    Hopefully you get positive news and reassurance at your next appointment. I do know that some doctors do prefer to see their patients face-to-face regardless of what the appointment is for - so that isn’t anything necessarily to read into.

    Take care 

  • How did you get on at your appointment. My doctors always do face to face consultations and then i am passed over to my wonderful nurse specialist who helps to mop any tears when they arrive. I really feel for you regards the anxiety. It is incredibly debilitating. Sometimes i have to just take every hour as it comes not even a day. X

  • Hi Soxy S, thank you for reaching out.

    Went to the appointment last Monday and unfortunately they have found something on my liver. I just cannot believe it as this is what they said to me almost a year ago and since then I have had de-bulking surgery and chemo. It obviously hasn't worked and I am devastated. Now need to wait for a CT scan so they can investigate further xx

  • I am so sorry about this. Please try to focus on small horizons and not the long term.  It is horribly frightening, I know only too well. I live in awe of ladies that have had 4 or 5 recurrences and are still going. I feel pathetic in comparison. Every day will hopefully bring you a little more resilience so that you get through and face whatever is next. S x