Started a Blog - Feedback Appreciated

  • 2 replies
  • 32 subscribers
I have started a blog to share my experience of Ovarian Caner and hopefully help others. I would really appreciate it if you get time to read it and provide any comments or feedback. A Like, Share of Subscribe would be wonderful.
I was diagnosed with an Ovarian Cyst in February and the cyst rapidly grew to become the size of a melon (hence the name of the blog). I had a radical hysterectomy in March which confirmed cancer and I am now undergoing chemotherapy.
I'd love to help others identify symptoms and get them checked out but also help others going through what I am by sharing my experience.
Thank-you for your time.
  • It’s a fantastic blog, Sarah - thank you for creating and sharing. I hope it’s helping you too!

    I was diagnosed with the same type - my tumour at 22cm had also slightly adhered to the wall of the ileum but opted to stage mine at 1c. Not fully staged though but that’s the minimum. All a bit of a rush in the end as the tumour grew 8cm in the 11 weeks from diagnosis to surgery so it wasn’t the right team. 

    Unfortunately I didn’t get referred to oncology in time for chemo although at grade 1, they’re not overly concerned about that and said it’s not that effective. 

    Like you, I looked up all the stats - what a minefield! So many different ones - and vary too! Found a very interesting talk on YouTube by a pathologist in the USA, and who actually covered our type of OC.

    Anyway, hope chemo is going well for you and not too many side effects.

    Take care 

  • Thanks so much.  I think creating this blog has been a very positive experience for me and if it helps others even better.

    i think my clinical oncologist and gynae onco surgeon have a difference of opinion about staging.  Ultimately though I still have cancer so it’s a bit academic. Nevertheless, I’m glad to be having the chemo.

    it is amazing how quickly these cysts grow.  Mine went to 15 cm in the first week! I see that as a positive though.  If it had been solid and slow growing it might have been picked up very late without the bleed.  

    I shall have a look for that YouTube video.

    Thanks for the kind words.  It is heartening to know my writing resonates.

    Best wishes for you.