CT scan results , biopsy needed for metastasis in peritoneum

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  • 33 subscribers

Saw my consultant today for the huge tumour in my tummy , there are also two obvious metastasis either side of the tumour in the peritoneum.

As she was  unable to ascertain  what the primary tumour was growing from she has explained that I need a CT biopsy to take tissue samples from the metastases. 

Once they know what they are dealing with then they  will either arrange surgery if it's ovarian, or chemotherapy if its bowel cancer to shrink the tumour, before surgery  and mop up the cancer /metastasis cells in body cavity. 

With a family history of bowel cancer ( sister, mother,  grandmother) its possibly Lynches Syndrome. ( HNPCC) 

However, she said she is hoping it's Ovarian cancer ( not really sure why ) 

She also assures me that all my other organs  are clear of metastases.

Bloods taken to test for bowel cancer markers, anaemia and kidney function tests.

What is being looked for with kidney function tests ?

I've been given anti - sickness meds metocloprimide  and esomeprazole to help with the symptoms of a melon sized tumour pressing on bowel and stomach.

Has anyone had similar investigations?

What chemotherapy  regime  did you go on before operation to remove tumours.

  • Hi Cheekkat

    I was wondering how you had got on. I am glad that you are starting to get some answers and starting to get a plan of treatment.

    it is hard when they can not yet be sure where the tumour has originated but it is important to do the biopsies on the mets to get the best possible treatment plan in place. I hope the CT biopsy is done quickly. It sounds though as if it is now narrowed down to 2 different plans. 

    I also have a family history of bowel cancer and I remember them talking to me about Lynch syndrome. They said that it can increase the chances of certain cancers but that it was important because it can effect how a cancer is treated. For me they said it could be about which chemo would be more effective. 

    I am not sure why she would hope it is ovarian rather than bowel- other than perhaps she is hoping to be able to go ahead with the surgery first as the tumour is so big and affecting other areas. 

    It is good that she is saying none of the organs are affected.

    Blood tests would be pretty routine. Bowel cancer can have markers that will show up in the blood which may help confirm whether it is likely to have originated from the bowel or ovaries. I would expect them to check CA125 levels as well as that is the marker for ovarian. Haemoglobin levels that are low (anaemia) could point to blood loss from a bowel cancer. So it sounds like these are part of her pinpointing where it started. 

    Kidney function tests for me were partly about checking how well my kidneys were working and whether they could cope with chemotherapy. They are also done routinely as part of the larger screening. So to me it sounds like she is testing for the bowel markers and checking your kidneys are working ok - if it is bowel and chemo is needed first. 

    I had the same medication during chemo and tolerated it ok. Hopefully it may help while they are identifying the primary cancer. If the anti nausea medication does not work then I was given alternatives. I was also told it was best to take 30 minutes before eating to prevent the nausea starting in the first place. Am not sure what guidelines you were given. 

    My chemo for endometrial was carboplatin and paclitaxel. This seems to be used for other gynae cancers. The alternative ones (from the same chemo groups) seem to be cisplatin and docetaxel. 

    Hope this helps a bit and that someone in a similar situation will come along. 

    We are not medically trained on here so am only talking from my own and family experiences. If you want to get a bit more medical information then you could give the Support Line a call and talk things through with one of the nurses. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi, thanks for your reply.

    My CA 125  18

    Today I found out that my CEO tumour cancer marker is 4.7 um/uL

    That is abnormal but not very.

    The lump is 17cm x 13 cm and 11 cm from head to tail.

    It's pressing on my r. Ureter  but not currently causing any problems , but it could.

    I also have 4 mets in omentum and 2 tiny legions in my liver , thought to be fluid filled cysts. 

    Today I am tired but not so desperately worried. 

    What will be will be.

    I had a Qfit test Dec 2022 and clear 

    Prior to that in 2020 I had a colonoscopy which showed a small polyp identified as an adenoma, and this was removed.

    I find it amazing that an adenoma from bowel could grow to the size this one is, in just two years.

    Still thinking it's ovarian.

    Biopsy of the metastases is next tuesday 11 am 

    I hope consultant will soon have so answers.

  • That's a lot of info to take in at once.

    I wonder if the kidney function test is partly due to it pressing on ureter.

    If the biopsy is Friday then hopefully it won't be too long to find out the next step. I am sorry that you are having to go through all of this but I suppose at least now you are getting much closer to finding out what's going on and the consultant does seem to be being thorough. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm