Please need urgent scan advice

  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

My mum was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer. She had chemo and it was removed she's on a oral chemo tablet. She recently had a 3 months scan from starting oral chemo. She just got a call to ask us to come to speak about scan results on monday   

we are so worried I'm not sure if it's standard to go and speak to dr about every scan or the fact that they want to meet us does that mean something is showing?

Anyone who has been called for scan results after having ovarian cancer is it ever a positive talk showing no cancer or does being called in person mean its showing something?

  • Hi Lovemymum

    Does your Mum have a CNS that you can ask about this?

    There seems to be a lot of variation between hospitals- I always had a mixture of face to face and phone appointments. Some consultants just prefer to see people in person. 

    I do understand that you must both be worried but it could well just be that because Mum has been on the oral chemo for 3 months and has had the scan, that they want to see her in person to see how she is coping with it and with any side effects etc. It may be the scan shows a need to review medication or it could be something as simple as they want to give her a check over, take bloods etc. 

    Why not give her CNS a call, explain you are worried and they may well be able to reassure you that it is routine to be called in.

    Take care



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks so much for the fast reply and I know you can't really tell me anything about what it could mean. But I take it from your reply at least that people get called to discuss scans and that might not necessarily mean the cancer has returned.

  • It could be a treatment review- where they discuss scan, discuss how Mum's getting on with the oral chemo and deciding what happens next.  I had regular reviews throughout my different treatments and sometimes it was a general how are you doing type of thing. It makes sense that if mum has had 3 months on a new chemo and just had a scan to be asked to come in to review how things are going. I hope that it is positive news for Mum


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I appreciate you so much. Thank you for this